So many things are changing! I actually feel grateful for all the ugliness in my past. They have cornered me, giving me no choice but to awake, to choose myself. To look for true love. It does exist! In the hearts of people like Sherry! With Sherry, one learns to be compassionate with self, with past mistakes. Under her eyes we are lovable and worth it. I don’t see “clearings” in the harsh way anymore, like I have to get rid of this gunk. It’s a nurturing thing. It’s taking care of myself – like eating, taking a bath, getting a massage. Like children we’ve been out to play and, when we arrive home, we have a warm scented bath with Sherry’s beautiful MP3s in the company of joyful dolphins. So I’m more able to look at my issues, feel my emotions. They don’t scare me as they used to. And I’m less reactive as PTSD is subsiding.