Sherry, your work is AWESOME! For the first time in a very long time, I have been enjoying the reflection of my 5’3″ 200+ pound body. I look hot and I would ask me out…
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Sherry helped me through the trauma of nearly dying during childbirth, and I used her as what I called a ‘spiritual midwife’. She was energetically again in the hospital with me and helped my daughter and I…
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As a battered woman, I was broken, depressed, and the only emotion I had was fear. By working with you I have overcome PTSD, co-dependence and depression. In addition, I can finally love myself again…
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So many things are changing! I actually feel grateful for all the ugliness in my past. They have cornered me, giving me no choice but to awake, to choose myself. To look for true love. It…
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Sherry, we just had our session less than a couple hours ago and I just wanted to thank you. A few minutes after getting off of the call I started feeling relief and even joy,…
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