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Learn the new divine codes to having extraordinary intuition, manifesting within your unique flow, and rejuvenating and healing your body. Includes: 25-min Personal Session, 3 Group Transformation Calls, 14-days LiveEnergy Download™, 3 mp3 Transformation Modules, 9 mp3 downloads, Private Facebook Group

Magnetic Lotus is the center point of equilibrium within your being. Finally, the light and the depth of your inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift.

Magnetic Lotus is the center point of equilibrium within your being. Finally, the light and the depth of your inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift.

Abundance Foundation, Package D: 7 mp3 Transformative Modules packed with clearings, activations, and processes to transmute your energy and transform your life.