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The Magnetic Lotus will be synthesized within each participant so that you can make the most of your evolution in balanced, centered, confident aligned potential of your best life yet. Your awareness and enlightenment increase and you begin to increase your ability to be in charge of your life and truly live your purpose.

Magnetic Lotus is your evolution into equanimity and empowerment. Magnetic Lotus bridges the physical to the metaphysical to the multi-dimensional realities. Magnetic Lotus is the center point of equilibrium within your being. Finally, the light and the depth of your inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift.

The Magnetic Lotus will be synthesized within each participant so that you can make the most of your evolution in balanced, centered, confident aligned potential of your best life yet. Your awareness and enlightenment increase and you begin to increase your ability to be in charge of your life and truly live your purpose.

Magnetic Lotus bridges the physical to the metaphysical to the multi-dimensional realities. Your awareness and enlightenment increase and you begin to increase your ability to be in charge of your life and truly live your purpose. Your experience aligns into grace and ease as you begin to create from the strength of the universe and the physical world.