Access to Wisdom
Package Cx

I Rise

Access to Wisdom – Package C

I Rise to the Sacred Union of My Evolved Soul

Learn the new divine codes to having extraordinary intuition, manifesting within your unique flow, and rejuvenating and healing your body.

Unbind the power of your essential nature. Burn away the noise and debris that limit your field of vision and perception. Do you split your energy, weakening yourself? Strengthen with loving light from within. Elemental balance after the initiation. Begin to operate from oneness. There are a multitude of learned energetic patterns that hold us separate, it’s time to let them go! When they release, you can begin to engage with your higher perception and not be fooled or held hostage by patterns.

Our minds and the way we think of ego are evolving. The evolution of your mind and mental state affects your ability for self-care, healing and wealth. Energetic nourishing improves our relationship with our higher mind and intuition and allows space for our gifts to emerge. During this program we will activate the nervous system and higher mind and assist in flowing the highest vibration of healing energy for your body, mental well-being, and intuition.

This program will take you into the specific alignment to your evolved life, evolved interface between nervous system, heart intelligence, evolving earth and love.

This package includes:

  • 25-minute Personal Session with Sherry including a downloadable recording of your session.
  • 14 Days of LiveEnergy Download energy activation transmissions. Daily refining and amplifying personal energy grids for any purpose you desire. Includes seven activation emails from Sherry during the 21 days.
  • 3 Live Group Transformation Group Calls loaded with energetic clearings, initiations and activations. Sherry will take your questions live or in writing. Includes downloadable recording of the call with the full energies expressed during the call. 
  • 3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules recorded live group transformative calls from Spring 2017.
  • 1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module designed to help relieve problems dealing with technology and information overload, fake news, trolling etc.
  • 4 mp3 Guided Activations layered with supportive, transformational energies.
  • 4 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads non-verbal supportive energy recordings.
  • Private Facebook Group to share your goals and accomplishments with new friends.


25-minute Personal Session with Sherry

Imagine your life with more vitality, open to your inner guidance, increase clarity, decrease pain and increase mobility. For people new to energy work or advanced.

“I really value who you are and your work. I listen to our session often and feel its benefits; my relationship is much calmer and stronger with truly honest communication.” ~ Adrienne Earle

“My private session with Sherry was the actual cherry on top of the cake.I felt SEEN, HEARD, CARED FOR, ACCEPTED. Sherry is so loving and nurturing that I, a very anxious and shy person, managed to feel at ease and able to openly share my concerns. After the session, the seed that lived in the ground, started to pierce its confines into the light.” ~ Maria de Lourdes

14-days of LiveEnergy Download

Saturday June 17 – Friday June 30, 2017

This 14-day LiveEnergy Download™ session is a comprehensive energy transmission including balance of the body-mind-spirit, alignment to the universal framework, and resonant energies to lift, clean, clear, and repair your personal light grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your light grids, the more aligned you are to the symphony of universal energy. This energetic “tune-up” brings a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.

Sherry will assemble a multi-dimensional support team to deliver personalized, enhanced energetic synthesis and integration to you. Sherry and her energetic team will build and maintain a consistent energy grid 24 hours a day for you. Twice daily, Sherry will deliver personal energy boosts tuned to your individual energy signature. 

3 Live Group Transformation Calls  (click title for details)

The Tranquility of Equanimity

Saturday June 17, 2017 9:00am US/Pacific time

This year we reached the tipping point. The soul is now rising to its intended operating system within the body, mind and spirit.

This mass integration of working relationship between the soul and the spirit is harmonized. Many have finished their birthing pains and some are still resolving issues. But its time to put our new operating system in gear and RISE. Polarities that bothered the mind with confusion and worry have reached a tipping point and extraordinary extremes are resolving and integrating. You can now experience your mind as a tranquil sea of calm while your new system nurtures 24/7. You are able to grow by making the unconscious, conscious, and self-heal. Your new intuition allows you to hear your heart wisdom. Your alignments become graceful. The heart, spirit, soul, and your subconscious mind work together, finally!

More of us will hold the tranquil mind of equanimity all the time. This shifts the operating system between the body, mind, and spirit to its most profound state. Experience this evolution and initiation and begin your calm, loving, inspired life.

I Rise to my emotional and physical resilience

I Rise to my heart’s intelligence

My Evolved Sovereign Spirit

Saturday June 24, 2017 9:00am US/Pacific time

This process grounds out disruptive energy patterns and excess energy frequency and aligns with spirit in an uplifting and inspiring energy field. This process aligns your soul and spirit and assists you by giving you energy to take your gift into the world without burning out your adrenals. This process assists in receiving information and inspiration during this harmonious dance between spirit and soul. Choices become easy and your life is in the flow of your goals. Gives you the energy to fulfill the desires of your intuitive higher mind.

I Rise to purposeful action

I Rise to my inspired gifts

Congruent Heart Intelligence

Saturday July 16, 2017 9:00am US/Pacific time

What if you discovered the advanced and true purpose of your inner child? Your innocent, true self-healing, self-nurturing system?

Your inner innocence is a timeless energy field we co-create with. Our first steps are to love, to truly know how to offer ourselves unconditional love and self-acceptance. Secondly, we become adept at accepting and let go of judgement. It is the subconscious made conscious. It’s not the inner child that needs to mature. It’s our relationship with it that is evolving, and with realignment you become whole, integrated and evolved. You are able to master self-care at unconscious levels.

I Rise to the sacred union of my evolved self

I Rise to the congruent heart intelligence that aligns with soul


12 mp3 Transformation Modules, Guided Activations, PureEnergy Downloads™ (click title for details)

Who is Your Puppet Master?

mp3 Transformation Module ♦ 2 hr 23 min

Really. Where have you subtly given away your power? Who did you give your choices to? Are you ready to stop the energetic bleeding?

Integrating personal power you gave away, perhaps unknowingly, from the collective, politics, relationships, ancestry and career, is the topic of this call. Your empowered dynamic is ready to upgrade now.

You have more energy to heal your body, you feel more centered, capable and confident. You can make a difference on any level you are called to act. You can make a difference; perhaps the one you were born to make.

Unbind Your Power

mp3 Transformation Module ♦ 2 hr 5 min

Unbind the power of your essential nature. Burn away the noise and debris that limit your field of vision and perception. Strengthen with loving light from within. Elemental balance after the initiation.

Free yourself of debris in psychic, ethereal, astral and collective realms and hitch-hikers. Reclaim your energetic integrity. Update psychological restrictions of how you perceive your mind. Experience the Transformative Power of the Phoenix Light. Let go of patterns of punishment and less-than projections.

Ancestral Miasms, Patterns and Strengths

mp3 Transformation Module ♦ 2 hr 41 min

Releasing layered miasms of ancestral patterns and their entanglements with global forces and deep seated fears. Integrate strengths and insights we gain from our ancestors without taking on the weaknesses.

Draw strength from your ancestral line rather than pain or limitation. Quickly get to insight instead of stuck. Release miasms of ancestral lines. Untangle the sticky layers and knots of family horror, torture and expectation. Experience the Well of Strength process offered with ancestral lines. Experience the newest earth upgrade and your super-human relationship to it.

The Tranquility of Equanimity

mp3 Guided Activation and mp3 PureEnergy Download

This year we reached the tipping point. The soul is now rising to its intended operating system within the body, mind and spirit. This mass integration of working relationship between the soul and the spirit is harmonized. Many have finished their birthing pains and some are still resolving issues. But its time to put our new operating system in gear and RISE. Polarities that bothered the mind with confusion and worry have reached a tipping point and extraordinary extremes are resolving and integrating. You can now experience your mind as a tranquil sea of calm while your new system nurtures 24/7. You are able to grow by making the unconscious, conscious, and self-heal. Your new intuition allows you to hear your heart wisdom. Your alignments become graceful. The heart, spirit, soul, and your subconscious mind work together, finally!

My Evolved Sovereign Spirit

mp3 Guided Activation and mp3 PureEnergy Download

This process grounds out disruptive energy patterns and excess energy frequency and aligns with spirit in an uplifting and inspiring energy field. This process aligns your soul and spirit and assists you by giving you energy to take your gift into the world without burning out your adrenals. This process assists in receiving information and inspiration during this harmonious dance between spirit and soul. Choices become easy and your life is in the flow of your goals. Gives you the energy to fulfill the desires of your intuitive higher mind.

Congruent Heart Intelligence

mp3 Guided Activation and mp3 PureEnergy Download

What if you discovered the advanced and true purpose of your inner child? Your innocent, true self-healing, self-nurturing system?

Your inner innocence is a timeless energy field we co-create with. Our first steps are to love, to truly know how to offer ourselves unconditional love and self-acceptance. Secondly, we become adept at accepting and let go of judgement. It is the subconscious made conscious. It’s not the inner child that needs to mature. It’s our relationship with it that is evolving, and with realignment you become whole, integrated and evolved. You are able to master self-care at unconscious levels.

Artificial Intelligence Technology

mp3 Energetic Instruction ♦ 6:44 min

We are constantly being bombarded with information overload, alternative facts, fake news, gas-lighting, trolling, and other abuses. This Artificial Intelligence series is designed to protect you from these attachments and to help you get disentangled to restore clarity, perspective, and reclaim your sovereignty.

In this first mp3 of the series, I describe the phenomenon, how these issues are manifest and how they attach to your consciousness. You will discover how to recognize and avoid the subtle hooks these attachments use to control you and create addictive loops that keep you from your truth.

Artificial Intelligence

mp3 Guided Activation ♦ 8:12 min
mp3 PureEnergy Download™ ♦ 5:45 min

The Guided Activation is a verbal transmission designed to support your recovery, protection, and future ability to deal with this energy fields. Includes a silent meditation at the end. Use before communicating with anyone who gaslights, or you doubt yourself after being around them. Use before texting, talking on the phone or viewing technology of any kind, including TV. Absolutely use before you explore outrage or groups where people post to hook you for attention or troll.

The PureEnergy Download™ is a silent meditation and energetic alignment where I hold the energy of your recovery and protection from these destructive energies.

Use these recordings along with basic energy hygiene practices to escape this addiction. After a while you will be good at holding this energy yourself and you can re-listen for touch ups.


Learn the new divine codes to having extraordinary intuition, manifesting within your unique flow, and rejuvenating and healing your body. Includes: 3 mp3 Transformation Modules, 3 mp3 downloads, Private Facebook Group

Learn the new divine codes to having extraordinary intuition, manifesting within your unique flow, and rejuvenating and healing your body. Includes: 6 mp3 Transformation Modules, 12 mp3 downloads, Private Facebook Group, and Bonus Items