Magnetic Lotus

Experience the most advanced synthesis of evolutionary energies available

Magnetic Lotus continues to evolve and bring new transformative energies in each cycle. This new cycle synchronizes with some major celestial events and signifies our greater connections to energy and intelligence outside of our immediate selves. This year we build on the equanimity and empowerment we have founded in self-love and awareness.   

Finally, the light and the depth of our inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift. The sacred geometry of life reveals patterns that before were stubbornly out of reach. Our life begins to move from struggle and pain to grace and ease. Resistance to our own divine nature dissolves. You will become empowered to create from the strength of the universe and the physical world. The energy of the Christos, the pure state of unconditional love and awareness, is our gateway for the evolution of equanimity: a fusion of mind and spirit that holds within your body the energy of non-reactive calm and easy access to your decisions and higher awareness.

  • Do you suffer from Compulsive thought patterns, excessive Worry, or Depression?
  • Do you Struggle for every inch of progress you make?
  • Are Chronic Pains keeping you from joy and the people you love?
  • Do you long for Loving Relationships and Supportive Friendships?
  • Do you deserve more Abundance in your life?
  • Would you like more Ease and Grace in your life?
  • Are your best Opportunities passing you by?

Magnetic Lotus Process

If you have yet to experience the Magnetic Lotus energy, try this free recording of the Magnetic Lotus process I shared with listeners when I first launched this program.

That was so beautiful and powerful and soft. I LOVE the lotus!!! Thank you for such a wonderful gift! 
~ Paula in Los Altos, California

Your Life Can Change…
For decades, Sherry has been helping clients move past their barriers into the life they dream of, where relationships are supportive, troubles dissolve, pain and illness heal, and abundance flows freely.

Package A – Lotus Initiation

This package includes:

  • 3 Live Transformative Group Calls loaded with energetic clearings, initiations and activations. Sherry will take your questions live or in writing. Includes downloadable recording of the call with the full energies expressed during the call. 
  • 2 Essential Dolphin Energies Events during Valentine’s Day/Solar Eclipse and the Equinox with daily live energy activation transmissions infused with Essential Dolphin Energies.
  • Private Facebook Group to share your goals and accomplishments with new friends.

Live Transformative Group Calls

Embracing Your Sacred Empowered Identity

Saturday February 17th 9AM US/Pacific Time

Are you ready to fully embrace or take a few more steps to authentic empowerment? Knowing yourself and where the center of power actually lies is your essential key to a successful life. During this call we will update the Magnetic Lotus energies for 2018. There are many ways we subtly judge ourselves that hold us back. this call will be aligned to the participants energy and the questions they bring.

Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.

Releasing False Security Systems

Saturday March 3rd 9AM US/Pacific Time

Do you feel insecure, fearful, uncertain? Do you depend on external sources of security that are continually letting you down? On this call we will explore the paradigm of security, where real security originates, and how to release your dependence on false security systems. Discover how your energy alignments can lock you into patterns of worry, fear, illness, and depression. Learn how to clear and release these alignments to free yourself and to embrace your self-dependence.

Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.

The Wellspring of Prosperity

Saturday March 31st 9AM US/Pacific Time

This call celebrates the first full moon following the equinox, a time of powerful creation and manifestation. Discover how to be the Wellspring of your own prosperity as well as the prosperity of your social network, community, and the planet. Learn how to harness the powerful creative forces that are peaking at this time and how to flow with the energies of creation and manifestation. Develop your powers of wanting and having, appreciation and giving, and learn how to ignite your creativity.

Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.

Essential Dolphin Energies Events

February 14th-15th Valentine’s Day & Solar Eclipse

March 20th-21st Celebrate the Equinox

Receive LiveEnergy Download™ of angelic and loving dolphin energies for two days during each event. Experience joy, self-love, creative boost, rejuvenation, playfulness and bliss. Sherry will be sending regeneration energies for all of your body, the quantum field into the cells, molecules, DNA and telomeres. The whole physical structure will receive these downloads three times a day each day of the event.

Many people report feeling lighter, more joyful during these transmissions. These events are silent energy transmissions, no need to block off time for it, and you are welcome to let her know if there is something in particular you are working on. 

Package A – Lotus Initiation


Package B – Lotus Evolution

This package includes:

  • All of Package A
  • 21-days of LiveEnergy Downloads align to the universal framework and resonant energies to lift, clean, clear, and repair your personal light grids.

21-days of LiveEnergy Downloads™ Event

March 3rd through March 23rd

This 21-day LiveEnergy Download™ session is a comprehensive energy transmission including balance of the body-mind-spirit, alignment to the universal framework, and resonant energies to lift, clean, clear, and repair your personal light grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your light grids, the more aligned you are to the symphony of universal energy. This energetic “tune-up” brings a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.

Sherry and her energetic team will build and maintain a consistent energy grid 24 hours a day for you. Twice daily, Sherry will deliver personal energy boosts tuned to your individual energy signature. Sherry will assemble a multidimensional support team to deliver personalized, enhanced energetic synthesis and integration to you overnight. Sherry will send you 10 emails during the event to prepare you for the energetic shifts coming in each phase of the process and help you to integrate the prior energies.

Package B – Lotus Evolution


Package C – Lotus Intelligence

This package includes:

  • All of Packages A and B
  • 25-minute Personal Session with Sherry including a downloadable recording of your session.

Personal Session with Sherry

Supercharge your transformation with a Personal Session with Sherry. Experience a full 25-minute personal session as Sherry focuses her attention and skills on the core, foundational opportunities for development and growth in your life and answers any questions you may have. Imagine your life with more vitality, open to your inner guidance, increased clarity, reduced pain and expanded mobility. We can work on your pain, business or relationships or if ascension is your primary focus we can upgrade your energy field for the entire session.

Package C – Lotus Intelligence


New to The Magnetic Lotus?

If you have not experienced the Magnetic Lotus energies, processes and alignments, you might find these packages helpful.

This is an evolutionary energy shifting from the quantum through the DNA through the entire body. Each PureEnergy Download™ has unique energies for each gland and the relationship within the physical body, brain, nervous system and energetic bodies. The physical signature shifts as well as the new design of energetic vortexes within the body to support new energetic pathways needed for our new bodies.

Magnetic Lotus is the center point of equilibrium within your being. Finally, the light and the depth of your inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift.