Magnetic Lotus is your evolution into equanimity and empowerment. Magnetic Lotus bridges the physical to the metaphysical to the multi-dimensional realities.
Magnetic Lotus is the center point of equilibrium within your being. Finally, the light and the depth of your inner feminine and masculine align in dynamic tension and harmonize with the high frequency light of our next evolutionary shift. The sacred geometry of life reveals patterns that before were stubbornly out of reach. Your life begins to move from struggle and pain to grace and ease. Resistance to your own divine nature dissolves. You will become empowered to create from the strength of the universe and the physical world. The evolution of the human being emerges.
The energy of the Christos will be our foundation. This pure state of unconditional love and awareness is the gateway for multi-dimensional downloads of the Phoenix Light for your body's evolution.
We will work with the evolution of equanimity; a fusion of mind and spirit that holds within your body the energy of non-reactive calm, easy access to your decisions and higher awareness.
The Magnetic Lotus will be synthesized within each participant so that you can make the most of your evolution in the balanced, centered, confident and aligned potential of your best life yet.
Six Transformative Modules

The Magnetic Lotus Initiation
Restructuring your personal physical mental and spiritual energetic fields to allow for your realignment with the earth’s magnetic fields, clearing pathways to alignment which accelerates your abundance and clarify your fields.
Using the foundational and gateway energies from the Christos and new plasma energies from package A, we add the Phoenix Light, a life force elixir rejuvenating and energetically drawing the body to its regenerated potential. These energies flow through the physical through the Torus field up through the phi spirals. This gives us our own access to the Magnetic Lotus pattern for your life force. This is a perfect balance of male and female energies held in dynamic tension and resonant with the synthesis of our other energy initiations.
Deep work with life force energy, heart and the newer levels of equanimity. Energetic connections will be made within the new energy structures and consciousness.

Increasing Kidney Life Force: Clearing Shock and Fear
We will be initiating the Phoenix Light within the kidneys and bladder region. A full module releasing patterns of shock, hiding and fear and rebuilding the energies of slowing our kidney function, Regeneration energies and our emotional expressions and the ability to have them will be included. Chronic or even unknown fears we carry keep us from our harmonious flow of life and we tend to hold on to energies that are not ours or become stagnant when the kidney energy is suppressed. Often those who cannot express their true selves need a clearing of these organs including the bladder.

Clearing the Liver: Patterns and Possessions
Liver energy is essential to our digestion, our ability to regulate and patterns of stagnation, blood pressure, headaches dizziness irritability and anger. A strong flowing liver energy allows us release rather than hold difficult emotions we are feeling incapable of letting go. Deep within the liver can remain patterns where we associate these limitations with our identity. Our possessions, (in all the ways one can have possessions) can be cleared with this deep letting go and renewal of liver and gallbladder.

Deep Heart Awakening and Equanimity Initiation
This is a deep heart awakening. Initiating energies of the Magnetic Lotus into the heart and core with specific energetic downloads allowing this deepest awareness level to emerge. The magnetic flows within the harmony of the heart and clearings of agitation, dysregulation and insomnia and other heart issues. Some of us particularly within the metaphysical community scatter their energy and lose the ability to empower our lives and inadvertently are empowering what we do not want.

Strengthening Flow of Life in Lungs and Resolving Hidden Grief
Our lungs, bronchial and sinus areas will be initiated with the refined and powerful energies of the Phoenix Light, Christos energies, the Magnetic Lotus energy. Unresolved grief can affect our circulation, our ability to thrive and renew ourselves. Rebirthing our lives becomes possible when the lungs are clear and we can allow hidden areas of grief to resolve and empower us.

Rejuvenating Your Spleen Energy: Increasing Confidence and Clearing Worry
Spleen energy can be restored when we unlock hidden reasons for worry, excess mental stimulation from our thoughts or modern habit of computers and devices. When the mind gets in the way it tries to take over the job of the body or even your soul truth and identity. Fatigue and inability to concentrate will also be patterns we will address in this module.

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