Package A

Manifestation Initiation

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Initiate your path to Infinite Manifestation

Begin this life-changing program with 8 Guided Activation mp3s plus 8 companion PureEnergy Download™ mp3s to initiate your absorption and integration of these powerful energies. These recordings are designed to ease your comfort in making crucial choices, accumulating abundance, and in dissolving outdated energy systems. Sherry's groundbreaking PureEnergy Download™ mp3s transcend sound and voice to capture and pack the pure essential energies of her Guided Activations and processes into a non-verbal recording. PureEnergy Downloads™ bypass the judgments and limitations of the conscious mind to reach deeply into your soul.

Playing and downloading tips

We deliver your digital recordings using a modern player and downloading tool.

Start playing any of your recordings by clicking or tapping the name in the playlist.

Pause or stop playing by clicking or tapping Button-Pause (the Pause button).

Resume playing by clicking or tapping Button-Play (the Play button).

Download the recording that is playing by clicking or tapping Button-Download3 (the Download button). You can right-click the Download button to set your preferred download folder or change the filename.

Use Button-Popout (the Popout button) to pop the player out of your browser. This makes it convenient to listen to your recordings while using your browser for other things.

Benevolent Creation Initiation

Guided Initiation

PureEnergy Download

One of the gentlest yet most powerful initiations given to me is now gifted to you. The 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation are reminders of the kindness, intelligence, and wisdom of our eternal and infinite souls. They won't do it all for you but they will co-create and offer a beautiful field to do that within. You will be stronger and better aligned to your future and humanity's evolution.

Your Abundance Blueprint

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

Kickstarting your habit of abundance, we will create an energetic blueprint that will open up your ability to receive and hold the energy necessary to create your abundant life. This continues your journey with the 12 Pillars that began with the initiation.

Deep Money Clearing

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

Balancing the struggle between the self-judgement and disappointment you feel when others are getting ahead but you are not. We'll take a deep dive into clearing dense emotions that money is dirty and abused and other barriers that are in your way. Quick touch-up's for deep money wounds of clinging, love and money, indifference, shame, prostitution, selling out or feeling enslaved.

Wake Up to Creation

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

Vitalize and set your day, weeding out unnecessary action and keying in on what is on purpose.

The Infinity Loop

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

I was shown the Infinity Loop activation several decades ago. It is a profound healing tool for you to use, it gets fast results and is easy to use. Learn to use the Infinity Loop for focused clearing and insight.

Raise Your Financial Threshold

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

Raise your financial thermostat, reset your set point for higher levels of income. Teach your energy field to create higher income levels and additional income streams for yourself.

Essential Manifestation

Guided Activation

PureEnergy Download

Return to the zero point of creation. Relinquish all your dreams that are not working and reset them deep into the creative field. This is an opportunity to sort the dream field into the grounded creative field of having what you were meant to create.

Gifts of the Hummingbird

Guided Integration

PureEnergy Download

This integration is the refined essential energy of the hummingbird. You will shift the needs of the rushed pursuit of life to the recognition and revelation of the gifts and inner nectar of you. Resist your curiosity to follow the hummingbird into other dimensions. With this initiation you come home to yourself. Stay in the knowing that you are more than enough, right in your core, and magnetize that which you seek to yourself.

What Are PureEnergy Downloads™?

Words cannot express the fullness of energy. Sherry has developed proprietary methods to pack the energies of her Guided Activations and processes into a non-verbal recording. 

PureEnergy Downloads™ bypass the judgments of the conscious mind. These are great to let run while you are sleeping or in the background during your busy day. Also, meditate with them anytime you are wanting a particular energetic assistance. Deep emotional shifts can happen with these, so go at a comfortable pace for yourself.

PureEnergy Downloads™ are non-verbal energy transmissions in mp3 digital recording format. Many clients report excellent results from her unique PureEnergy Download™ recordings, often preferring these to the verbal versions.

These PureEnergy Download™ transmissions are designed for your use to clear and rejuvenate the physical and subtle bodies. This is an evolutionary energy shifting from the quantum to the DNA through the entire body. The energy is uniquely gifted to us to assist with the energetic shifts of our time and evolution.

Having Technical Trouble?

While they are pretty amazing, my team is not technically proficient with every kind of computer, mobile device, operating system, and browser. If you experience any technical problems getting the downloads or transformation call recordings, please send an email to and we will do our best to help.