Upgrade Your Life
Upgrade your life with powerful transformational tools and teachings developed by Sherry, internationally known Multidimensional Integrator, Medical Intuitive and Soul Whisperer. This series of audio-energetic downloads is designed to increase wellness for physical symptoms, improve
relationships, expand your time, and improve your abundance. The audios include techniques you can use daily to give you added zest for life and increased joy. They include specific teachings that are easily adaptable for you personally.
Private Facebook Group
Our private Facebook group is ready for you to join. Simply click HERE and request to be added as a member.
Playing and downloading tips
We deliver your digital recordings using a modern player and downloading tool.
Start playing any of your recordings by clicking or tapping the name in the playlist.
Pause or stop playing by clicking or tapping (the Pause button).
Resume playing by clicking or tapping (the Play button).
Download the recording that is playing by clicking or tapping (the Download button). You can right-click the Download button to set your preferred download folder or change the filename.
Use (the Popout button) to pop the player out of your browser. This makes it convenient to listen to your recordings while using your browser for other things.
Having Technical Trouble?
While they are pretty amazing, my team is not technically proficient with every kind of computer, mobile device, operating system, and browser. If you experience any technical problems getting the downloads or transformation call recordings, please send an email to support@sherryphillipsswatek.com and we will do our best to help.