I Rise
I Rise to the Sacred Union of My Evolved Soul
Learn the new divine codes to having extraordinary intuition, manifesting within your unique flow, and rejuvenating and healing your body.
Are You Suffering From...
YES! You CAN Rise To Your...
Feeling overwhelmed?
Compromised health?
Uncertainty and indecisiveness?
Low self-esteem?
Financial struggles?
Self-sabotaging thoughts?
Outrage or fear?
♥ Calm mind of timeless wisdom
♥ Vibrant health and resilience
♥ Inspired, purposeful action
♥ Heart's intelligence
♥ Magnetic manifestation with ease
♥ Continuous self-nurturing
♥ Authentic inner collaboration
You can have the freedom to choose differently.
Find the energetic mechanisms to put consciousness into your choices.
Turn the unconscious conscious, and thrive!
Live by your Authentic Choice!
I Rise to my Best Self Ever...

You can have the freedom to choose differently.
Find the energetic mechanisms to put consciousness into your choices.
Turn the unconscious conscious, and thrive!
Live by your Authentic Choice!
Enjoy these benefits
- The calm mind of equanimity
- Deepest sense of self-nurturing
- Active intelligence
- Emotional and physical resilience
- Energetic equilibrium
- Self-confidence
- Empowered action
- Infinite insight and perception

I Rise
This recording is releasing hierarchical and patriarchal limitations within the mind, such as anxiety worry, projections, and comparisons. The next step to our Divine Awakening affects our mind and how we work with our mind, body, and spirit in a naturally continuous, nurturing flow.
This is YOUR Foolproof Action Plan to RISE in the
New Energy Paradigm!
Your Text
Package A
Refined Intuition
Total Package Value $454
You Save 79%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
Package B
Sacred Union
Total Package Value $1214
You Save 90%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
Package C
Access to Wisdom
Total Package Value $1409
You Save 84%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry

Package A

Refined Intuition
Essential Clearings and Upgrades for your Super Intuition
Unbind the power of your essential nature. Burn away the noise and debris that limit your field of vision and perception. Do you split your energy, weakening yourself? Strengthen with loving light from within. Discover elemental balance from the initiation. Begin to operate from oneness. There are a multitude of learned energetic patterns that hold us separate, it's time to let them go! When they release, you can begin to engage with your higher perception and not be fooled or held hostage by patterns.
This package includes:
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules recorded live group transformative calls from Spring 2017.
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module designed to help relieve problems dealing with technology and information overload, fake news, trolling etc.
1 mp3 Guided Activation layered with supportive, transformational energies.
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™ non-verbal supportive energy recording.
Private FaceBook Group to share your experiences and successes and get personal support from Sherry.

I Rise to Empowerment Through Evolution
Active intelligence aligning you with your best life possible...

Who is Your Puppet Master?
Transformation Module
Format: MP3 | Length: 2h 23m | Value: $99 |
Really. Where have you subtly given away your power? Who did you give your choices to? Are you ready to stop the energetic bleeding?
Integrating personal power you gave away, perhaps unknowingly, from the collective, politics, relationships, ancestry and career, is the topic of this call. Your empowered dynamic is ready to upgrade now.
How does this make your life better?
You have more energy to heal your body, you feel more centered, capable and confident. You can make a difference on any level you are called to act. You can make a difference; perhaps the one you were born to make.
• Exploring resistance and what it truly is.
• Integrating displaced power.
• Life is not spectator sport, fulfillment comes through participating.
• Awareness before action.
• No one can do your life better than you, let's align your power and confidence to get you in gear.
• Yes you can!

Unbind Your Power
Transformation Module
Format: MP3 | Length: 2h 5m | Value: $99 |
Unbind the power of your essential nature. Burn away the noise and debris that limit your field of vision and perception. Strengthen with loving light from within. Elemental balance after the initiation.
How does this make your life better?
• Free yourself of debris in psychic, ethereal, astral and collective realms and hitch-hikers.
• Reclaim your energetic integrity.
• Update psychological restrictions of how you perceive your mind.
• Experience the Transformative Power of the Phoenix Light
• Let go of patterns of punishment and less-than projections.

Ancestral Miasms, Patterns and Strengths
Transformation Module
Format: MP3 | Length: 2h 41m | Value: $99 |
Releasing layered miasms of ancestral patterns and their entanglements with global forces and deep seated fears. Integrate strengths and insights we gain from our ancestors without taking on the weaknesses.
How does this make your life better?
• Draw strength from your ancestral line rather than pain or limitation.
• Quickly get to insight instead of stuck.
• Release miasms of ancestral lines
• Untangle the sticky layers and knots of family horror, torture and expectation.
• Experience the Well of Strength process offered with ancestral lines.
• Experience the newest earth upgrade and your super-human relationship to it.

Artificial Intelligence Technology
Energetic Instruction
Format: MP3 | Length: 6:44 | Value: $59 |
We are constantly being bombarded with information overload, alternative facts, fake news, gas-lighting, trolling, and other abuses. This Artificial Intelligence series is designed to protect you from these attachments and to help you get disentangled to restore clarity, perspective, and reclaim your sovereignty.
People are getting paid handsomely to upset or hook you. Ignore anyone telling you how to feel or that you should be afraid. Information sources that overwhelm you with information, with some true or most true also have a way of shutting down our responses. And, when we are reacting to trolling or news we are being controlled, this loop becomes addictive.
In this first MP3, I describe the phenomenon, how these issues are manifest and how they attach to your consciousness. You will discover how to recognize and avoid the subtle hooks these attachments use to control you and create addictive loops that keep you from your truth.

Artificial Intelligence Guided Activation
Format: MP3 | Length: 8:12 | Value: $59 |
A verbal transmission designed to support your recovery, protection, and future ability to deal with this energy fields. Includes a silent meditation at the end. Use before communicating with anyone who gaslights, or you doubt yourself after being around them. Use before texting, talking on the phone or viewing technology of any kind, including TV. Absolutely use before you explore outrage or groups where people post to hook you for attention or troll.
This also benefits when you are affected by people you communicate with who are affected by others, the friend of a friend, or spiritual attachment someone else carries etc. or an energy overlay traveling through a device. I have also used it in ancestry clearing where it was not the ancestor but an attachment to an ancestor.

Artificial Intelligence PureEnergy Download™
Format: MP3 | Length: 5:45 | Value: $39 |
This PureEnergy Download™ is a silent meditation and energetic alignment where I hold the energy of your recovery and protection from these destructive energies.
Use these recordings along with basic energy hygiene practices to escape this addiction. After a while you will be good at holding this energy yourself and you can re-listen for touch ups.

Private Facebook Group
Join Sherry and like-minded souls as you embark on this journey together. Share your goals, experiences and successes. Make new friends and support each other to reach vector equilibrium and equanimity.
An incredible healer, spiritual midwife…
I have worked with Sherry for over twenty years. I call her my ‘spiritual healer’, yet is difficult to put into words exactly what her work encompasses. I find Sherry to be bright, humble, connected to the universal force and aware of both the past, present, and future as she practices the art of healing in a special and effective way.
Initially, I sought consultation through Sherry as I was looking for a medium who is clairvoyant but I quickly came to realize that she is much more than that. Throughout the years I have grown to rely on Sherry and I call her during times that I am unable to reach my spiritual, psychological, relational, health, home, and parenting goals. I find when I feel unbalanced and speak to Sherry, within minutes I feel calm and 100% tuned into my inner healing abilities as she helps me to get in touch with my higher power and true self.
Over time I’ve come to emulate Sherry with the work I provide and facilitate for my own patients. Sherry has helped me through every milestone that I’ve had in my life for twenty years. She is wonderful during transition times. I trust her implicitly, which is something that does not come easily or frequently for me. She has helped me to live a full, active, successful life despite having chronic kidney disease for 26 years. The doctors have been amazed that I remained asymptomatic for so long and it was not until a month ago that I had to have a kidney transplant. With Sherry’s energy work, she has helped me to heal at a physiological and physical level and helped create healing spaces with the doctors, surgery room, my home and support team, and now a month later my doctors are again shocked at how well I have healed.
Sherry helped me through the trauma of nearly dying during childbirth, and I used her as what I called a spiritual ‘midwife’. She was energetically again in the hospital with me and helped my daughter and I quickly heal. My daughter was only 3 lbs and needed oxygen, a breathing tube, and was in the NICU for 3 weeks. With Sherry’s assistance, my daughter is healthy, the tallest in her class, and thriving on every level! Sherry also helped me through a difficult divorce and worked on my ex-husband (who was very angry and uncooperative ) and me. Now we have harmony in our relationship.
Sherry is an incredible healer and very attentive during crisis. Sherry gets measurable results! I would refer anybody to Sherry and believe fully in her knowledge about psychology, spirituality, medicine, healing, past lives, and connecting to the spiritual universal energy powerful tools! I consult Sherry before making most big decisions and believe she has been instrumental in helping me grow and find my true self. Today I am a confident happy person vibrating at a powerful level and I still consult Sherry on a regular basis!
Instant Relief…
In just a few minutes Sherry was able to lift up and out a dense ball of energy that had been lingering in my Solar Plexus for days. Instant relief! She also cleared mom energy hanging out in my field wanting to enjoy my adventures and created a deeper connection of Body, Spirit and Mind, assisting my Body to self-heal as it knows best. I giggled and laughed throughout the process and feel fantastic.
Clearing Past Life Issues…
Sherry has a great gift for clairvoyant clearing in higher dimensions, where only a few healers have the capacity to go and the ability to clear. Sherry is an expert in the field of healing karma and energetic blockages. She very accurately found several hidden states from a past life, to do with empowerment issues. She also cleared an energetic block between me and a close family member that I had difficulty finding myself.
My sales doubled in one day…
No need to hire a business coach, I know where to go to get the best business advice. More guidance came through Sherry in one session than from the expensive business coaching program I bought last year. I saved time, money and frustration. I had many aha moments and several ideas that I will develop into programs over the next year. Best of all, my sales doubled in one day after Sherry made some adjustments to my energy field.
I won the lottery!
I’ve been listening to the mp3’s daily and doing lots of clearing work and I got my first pay rise in 4 years this week and I’ve just been notified that I won $7,300 in the lottery yesterday! I’m over the moon! I can’t wait to see what else I can manifest.
I am the beautiful butterfly…
I wanted to send you a HUGE thank you for setting me free. I am the beautiful butterfly that you set free from her cocoon on the first call. I am elated and surprised how you hit the nail on the head about me and what was happening with me and how to bring all of me back together.
I had been “hiding” for so long and I felt lost and unsure of how to move forward in life. Fear kept me paralyzed, but not anymore. As I sit here this morning at my office preparing for the day, I am so ready to take a leap into the world and ‘make it happen’.
Sherry’s program sure worked for me!
I purchased Sherry Phillips Swatek first program Master Your Complete Life, Package B. As soon as I got it & listened to my first mp3, I was kicking myself for not getting Package C. This was literally THE best package I have ever purchased. Here I was hating my job of 26 years, over $1,000 in overdue taxes due the end of the month, and two months behind on my car payment. The first day of the 21 days was 7/14. Here is what happened…
7/12 – the 21-days started. 7/22 – the IRS sent me a letter not only accepting my payment plan but not starting the deductions until 9/24. 7/24 – at work was told I would be transferred back to my old team on the last day of 21-days handling the Region I love most with a team I loved. 8/12 – all past due car payments have been paid. Sherry’s program sure worked for me!
I felt super empowered…
Sherry Swatek is OMG amazing! During our session, she accurately perceived areas of resistances and stuck energies in my life (from my past) and then cleared those blockages. She also perceived and released soul contracts that no longer served me. About half-way though our session, my body began buzzing energetically from head to toe. And, after my session, I felt super empowered. I highly recommend Sherry Swatek.
$40,000 raise and better benefits…
Sherry saved my life. Sherry has assisted me thru pregnancy and healed me when I was told by doctors I had serious medical problems. She helped my best friend have a baby. Sherry helped me deal with and set boundaries with an abusive husband. She has given me some of the best advice that has completely changed my life. While working with Sherry I got a job offer for $40,000 more than I was making plus better opportunity and better benefits.
I have achieved greatness in my life and would not be who I am today without her.
Attracted an incredible man who cherishes me…
Sherry’s work helped me to unlock a deeply painful pattern of attracting men in relationships that drained and undervalued me. Shortly after engaging in the work with Sherry, I met and attracted an incredible man who cherishes me for who I am. We travel the world together. Sherry’s work is both healing and profound. She is able to use her considerable intuitive gifts to get to the heart of any issue or problem. She then works to shift the energy while offering tools the client can use to facilitate a positive outcome.
Sherry is equal parts therapist, healer and magician!
Soul Whisperer…
Sherry is the soul whisperer and working with her is like having a trusted friend go into the deepest corners of your soul, intuitively hone in on the deepest wounds that have kept you stuck in fear and quickly heal and release them. She really gets to the nitty-gritty of your challenges and issues. The relief you feel is immediate.
My sessions with Sherry are that and so much more. She gave me information on the next steps of my journey that would have taken me a lot more time, stress, and frustration to get myself. They are a precious gift.
Abundance is flowing…
I feel like abundance is flowing my way on all levels of my life. Before taking Sherry’ program, I couldn’t walk one mile due to a car accident 10 years ago. Now I can walk for hours! During this program I lost 12 pounds without dieting or exercising, just by using the energy of her mp3 to look and feel younger. My house was seriously damaged by fire, but it was magically restored and upgraded with all new stuff while I was living in a top hotel, without me paying one penny from my pocket! I also received some unexpected gifts: a vacation voucher of $1000! And, a beautiful car in mint condition as a gift.
Sherry is one of the strongest healers on the planet.
You were spot on…
I’ve completed the session and I’m super-duper impressed !!! ? You are absolutely brilliant, brilliant, brilliant !!! ? Thank you so very much times a Godzillion for all the awesome work you did…I’m totally blown away! I’ve been clearing for the last couple of years and this session was by far the best and most comprehensive of all that I’ve had so far…you were spot on…so therefore thank you so much!!!”
Deep seated wounding belief just vanished…
My deep seated wounding belief from early childhood just vanished leaving me with great relief and so much more room within. Sherry found old emotional content in my left shoulder that I had broken more than 20 years ago. That released, the shoulder is freed up almost completely. The range of motion is 90% now.
Sherry’s spirit is so joyful and playful and light. She sees where energy and emotions are stuck in your system and the events that carried a charge that took up housing in your body. She then takes you to the underlying cause and deftly lifts it away. It is astonishing that it can be so simple and so quick.
Head out of the grey…
After a long co-dependent relationship that drained me, I lived in a grey frequency. I stuck my neck out to breathe but that grey soup would engulf me again. People around me, in my job, in my family, they all live in fear. I couldn’t escape.
One day after I started listening to Sherry’s mp3s, I saw the opportunity to jump out of that soup into a higher frequency. Can the Universe work in mysterious ways, or what? It’s so much easier now to keep my head out of that soup and remain calm despite the storm around me. That feeling of calm was enhanced by the Expanding Time MP3, a luxury I can now afford.
My pain went from 7 to 0 in five minutes…
I had right shoulder pain at a level 7, so bad I could not move my shoulder. Within five minutes Sherry got the pain to a 0 and I can move it again up and down!
More money this month…
Thank you so much for this whole package! I’ve made more money this month than I have in any month so far and I can’t believe how easy it was, how much I trusted that the money was already here, and how focused, grounded and kick-ass I’ve felt through the whole process! What did you do?Your audios save my life in every moment! I love how short, easy to use, and magically profound they are. I just love expanding time with your work!
Doctors have been amazed…
Sherry has helped me to live a full, active, successful life despite having chronic kidney disease for 26 years. The doctors have been amazed that I remained asymptomatic for so long and it was not until a month ago that I had to have a kidney transplant. With Sherry’s energy work, she has helped me to heal at a physiological and physical level and helped create healing spaces with the doctors, surgery room, my home and support team, and now a month later my doctors are again shocked at how well I have healed!
Wishing for another 21 days…
Sherry, just saying Thank You doesn’t feel like enough! Remember all that work stress I was feeling? Yesterday I was ready to resign by 9 am & right before I was able to tell them I had decided to leave I got the news I have been dreaming of; I was being transferred back to my old accounts. How is that for manifesting??!! I enjoyed a fabulous light happy day today, I haven’t felt this good in ages.
I have seen & felt so many wonderful things over the last 21 days that I am wishing for another 21 days. Sherry your offer spoke to me in so many ways when I first learned of it. The dolphins were definitely lighting up my path to discover both them & you & your many gifts. I kept flipping thru the offer knowing I wanted it so much but telling myself I couldn’t/shouldn’t be buying things. After 3 years of not buying things, my heart just felt this was the one thing I really should purchase for myself & I took the plunge before I could talk myself out of it.
No surgery…
I have to acknowledge that the Universe has granted me a wonderful gift having met you. All the work you have done in these few weeks is extra ordinary. Since our private session I feel much more present and lighter in my body and in my head. My ankles are slim and I feel them supportive again.
You also worked on a cyst on my back, of the size of a small egg. A doctor diagnosed it should be removed by surgery. Within 2 weeks, the whole cyst emptied completely and the doctor could remove the whole sack without surgery!What a miracle!
Letting go of what no longer serves…
I’m really loving your brilliant audios! They are such a wonderful addition to my life. I’m using them and finding they are helping me A LOT to let go of what no longer serves my highest good much quicker.
My eye sight has been clear for 4 consecutive days…
I feel your caring heart and healing every day. I followed your direction and listened to the MP3 daily, and on a loop in groups. I did your live calls and after the last call we just had, my eye sight has improved and has been clear for 4 consecutive days. I’m enjoying the awesomeness of seeing again.
Feeling relief and even joy…
Sherry, we just had our session less than a couple hours ago and I just wanted to thank you. A few minutes after getting off of the call I started feeling relief and even joy, which has been fleeting the last few years. I appreciated your feedback on some of my choices and I will definitely take your suggestions. You definitely gave me some peace of mind.
PTSD is subsiding…
So many things are changing! I actually feel grateful for all the ugliness in my past. They have cornered me, giving me no choice but to awake, to choose myself. To look for true love. It does exist! In the hearts of people like Sherry! With Sherry, one learns to be compassionate with self, with past mistakes. Under her eyes we are lovable and worth it. I don’t see “clearings” in the harsh way anymore, like I have to get rid of this gunk. It’s a nurturing thing. It’s taking care of myself – like eating, taking a bath, getting a massage. Like children we’ve been out to play and, when we arrive home, we have a warm scented bath with Sherry’s beautiful MP3s in the company of joyful dolphins. So I’m more able to look at my issues, feel my emotions. They don’t scare me as they used to. And I’m less reactive as PTSD is subsiding.
Out of my chair and walking pain free in a half hour…
I have worked with many great people in my lifetime but none possess the skill and insight that Sherry has. She is able to look into the very core of the soul to see where the injury lies, whether it is spiritual, physical or emotional. Those distinctions are very important to the healing process. She helped me through the darkest nights of my soul. She was there when I had eye surgery and reduced the pain. She was there through panic attacks and deep pain in my feet and back. She reduced my pain from 10 down to zero within an hour. She got me out of my chair and walking pain free in a half hour. I highly recommend her.
I’m a survivor because of you.
As a battered woman, I was broken, depressed, and the only emotion I had was fear. By working with you I have overcome PTSD, co-dependence and depression. In addition, I can finally love myself again and be a confident woman. Your healing work is POWERFUL. Each session I could feel my energy shift and working with light, positive energy, take and process my emotions. Thank you for restoring my life and confidence. I’m a survivor because of you.
Replenished my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness…
I didn’t even realize what I most needed to focus on in my session with Sherry, but she found my blind spot: replenishing my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness. After her work, the painful lymph glands in my armpits simmered down, and I felt a noticeable loosening in my head, neck, jaw, and shoulders, places where tension has long been centered. The next day, when I looked in the mirror, I immediately noticed a difference. Sluggish circulation had made me pale for years, but today my legs were pink, my face was pink – even my lips were noticeably darker! A sense of steadier energy flow goes with the circulation, and I’ve been receiving a lot of information about how to manage my energy, practically and emotionally, so it can continue to flow even more steadily. I am really grateful for the range and precision of Sherry’s work and I feel that what she’s started is continuing to support me.
In one of my sessions with Sherry, I felt a lot of activity in my brain stem and a huge level of nervous tension release. Afterward, I felt more solid in my body, and also as if the “harness” on my neck and shoulders had been released. I’ve also noticed that it’s easier for me to stay away from old, depressive patterns. Thank you Sherry!
Is this my brain rewiring?
It’s difficult to explain what’s happened to me since our personal session. Things that I was very sure of turned out to be a mistake. And it seems like I am walking through sludge and I’m getting frustrated easy. Is this my brain rewiring into holding a higher dimension? It’s weird that I notice and am aware of the separation. The usual flow that I have navigated my life with seems to be changing. I think I’m looking for some reassurance!
Update!! Not only has my brain been rewired, I was fortunate to see, thru my minds eye, my spirit/soul. It was beautiful and still moves me when I think of it. Immense gratitude!! I also witnessed in meditation my brain rewiring. I heard the old belief and saw my wiring disconnect the old and create new connections. I heard each belief at first, but the rewiring got faster, and faster. This is where I let go and allowed, trusting the process.
The subtle changes around me are amazing. People for the first time in my life are coming and saying the nicest things. The speed in which daily life moves is very multi-dimensional, the pace is slower, less stressful. And, everything is getting done. Long held fears have vanished with each opportunity presented to raise those fears. My reactions are neutral and grounded. The words that come out of my mouth are gentle. Much sarcasm is gone. Chattering head, mostly quiet and when its not, I am able to use the tools I’ve been taught over the years OR know when I need outside assistance. My deepest gratitude for your gift of healing.
Feels like much of it has cleared…
Thank you for the replay of the podcast. I listened a few times to the first part, because the Dolphin Energy in it is so strong and beautiful! It touched a deep blockage within me and it feels like much of it has cleared.
I never thought I could become whole again…
Thank you for taking my question on last Sunday’s call. I started implementing your advice right away, and I have to say I found it hard to “love” the angry parts of me. I decided to send these parts “into the Light” to be sort of washed clean and then returned to me when I and they were ready. Well, it happened a lot quicker than I expected! The very next day I was decidedly happier and I was very aware that a younger part of me had indeed returned.
When I was about 9, my mother became ‘religious’ and basically shut down everything normal in my childhood. I was not allowed to play, celebrate holidays or even my birthday. Most of all she tried to kill my love of music. Of course I used to listen in secret, but I felt like a sinner. As a child, I adored a little portable record player my father gave me. Well, predictably, since it gave me so much joy, this was how I got punished, my mother would lock it up.
Completely unexpectedly, after I re-integrated my anger and got my “little girl” back, I suddenly had the urge to have my little record player. I went on Amazon and found the perfect little one, in Orange! My favorite color. I had saved all my old records and when I heard them again, after at least 35 years, I just sat and cried tears of joy. I never thought I could become whole again. So many thanks to you and for the beautiful soul that you are.
Trauma of nearly dying during childbirth…
Sherry helped me through the trauma of nearly dying during childbirth, and I used her as what I called a ‘spiritual midwife’. She was energetically again in the hospital with me and helped my daughter and I quickly heal. My daughter was born at only 3 lbs. and needed oxygen and a breathing tube and was in the NICU for 3 weeks. With Sherry’s assistance, my daughter is healthy, the tallest in her class, and thriving on every level!
Removed decades of self-loathing, I feel ecstatic!
Sherry, your work is AWESOME! For the first time in a very long time, I have been enjoying the reflection of my 5’3″ 200+ pound body. I look hot and I would ask me out on a date if I weren’t me! My hair looks shiny and full. You removed decades of self-loathing and I feel ecstatic! Thank you!
Pregnant in one month after years of trying…
Working with Sherry, I had finally gotten pregnant and have a beautiful daughter. She had told me a little girl was waiting for me and my right ovary was clogged. She had worked with me remotely and cleared my ovary and within a month I was pregnant. I had tried getting pregnant for years and worked with fertility specialists with no success. I now work with Sherry for emotional balance, as a life coach, grief, depression, and back pain. Each session with her I feel energized and harmony in my life.
Has completely stopped bleeding!
Thank you for the healing you sent to our dog. His nose was bleeding on and off and the vet couldn’t find anything wrong with it. Now it has completely stopped bleeding! I am really grateful to you for that.
Writer’s block is gone!
Sherry is an expert in her field. Her ability for precision with her work on all levels is extraordinary. Her dedication and strongly trained ability for finding and deleting weaknesses and intrusions to clear issues or create changes is beyond normal ability. Sherry’s work allows for the highest potential outcome. It is an astounding experience to have. I am still astounded; my writer’s block is gone!
A tangible wind behind my sails…
The work Sherry’s been doing has been powerful, appearing in both obvious and subtle ways. I love the Dolphin presence and their special help.
Distresses alleviated almost instantly…
Sherry is one of the most talented interactive listeners, who delves deep into one’s soul finding easily the root causes behind symptoms. She is very supportive and always there when I need her, I even feel connected to her without talking and I feel her support and encouragement in times I need it. Sherry is a friend, a mentor, a coach, a healer and someone you can really count on to give the required results. Sherry has helped me with many physical and emotional distresses which were alleviated almost instantly! Sinus, ear infection, knees that hurt, problems at work and family issues, whatever it is, she knows how to handle it perfectly!
My grandson was born healthy…!
Sherry cleared my family’s karma, ancestral issues and patterns in-vitro for my unborn grandson after my daughter was rushed to the hospital with early labor and bleeding. It stopped immediately. Sherry told us many characteristics he would be born with, including his extra-big feet that he would love. As soon as he was born, the doctor commented on how big his feet were. Our family is so happy he was carried to term and born healthy.
Talk about Unexpected Income!
I have had doors open for me since I started doing your work. The 21 Day Abundance caused a major shift, which I really needed. I’ve been streaming all the mp3s as well. Okay, so yesterday I found out I inherited $22,000! Talk about unexpected income. I am so filled with gratitude for this energy field that moves through you, and that you work with, that is helping me transform my life so quickly!
Magic is the best explanation…
Magically and unexpectedly, doing nothing except following Sherry’s programs, healing and loving myself, I am manifesting $104,000! To make long story short, my 12 years old case with an insurance company (after my car accident) has finally settled. My attorney was so surprised that in one of our conversations he said the word ‘’Magic” to explain how it turned out. I am grateful for all Sherry’s work and all her programs that help me shift my energy in a new space of creation and manifestation.
Refined Intuition
Total Package Value $454
You Save 79%!
All mp3 recordings are provided via digital download, no CDs, DVDs or other physical media will be shipped. Instructions to download your mp3 recordings will be provided immediately upon purchase.
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before 30 days after the date of your purchase.

Package B

Sacred Union
Our minds and the way we think of ego are evolving. The evolution of your mind and mental state affects your ability for self-care, healing and wealth. Energetic nourishing improves our relationship with our higher mind and intuition and allows space for our gifts to emerge. During this program we will activate the nervous system and higher mind and assist in flowing the highest vibration of healing energy for your body, mental well-being, and intuition.
This program will take you into the specific alignment to your evolved life, evolved interface between nervous system, heart intelligence, evolving earth and love.
This package includes:
- All of Package A - Refined Intuition
- 14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™ energy activation transmissions. Daily refining and amplifying personal energy grids for any purpose you desire. Includes seven activation emails from Sherry during the 14 days.
- 3 Live Transformation Calls loaded with energetic clearings and activations. Sherry will take your questions live. Includes downloadable recording.
- 3 mp3 Guided Activations layered with supportive, transformational energies.
- 3 mp3 PureEnergy Download™ non-verbal supportive energy activation transmissions.
What Are PureEnergy Downloads™? Words cannot express the fullness of energy. Sherry has developed proprietary methods to pack the energies of her Guided Activations and processes into a non-verbal recording. PureEnergy Downloads™ are non-verbal energy transmissions in mp3 digital recording format. Many clients report excellent results from her unique PureEnergy Download™ recordings, often preferring these to the verbal versions.

14-days of LiveEnergy Download™
LiveEnergy Download™ | Length: 14 days | Value: $169 |
Saturday June 17th - Friday June 30th, 2017
This 14-day LiveEnergy Download™ session is a comprehensive energy transmission including balance of the body-mind-spirit, alignment to the universal framework, and resonant energies to lift, clean, clear, and repair your personal light grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your light grids, the more aligned you are to the symphony of universal energy. This energetic "tune-up" brings a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.
Sherry will assemble a multi-dimensional support team to deliver personalized, enhanced energetic synthesis and integration to you. Sherry and her energetic team will build and maintain a consistent energy grid 24 hours a day for you. Sherry will deliver daily personal energy boosts tuned to your individual energy signature.

The Tranquility of Equanimity
Included in this module:
mp3 Guided Activation | Length: 12:00 | Value: $59 |
mp3 PureEnergy Download™ | Length: 10:10 | Value: $39 |
Live Transformation Call | Length: 90-min | Value: $99 |
Saturday June 17th, 2017 at 9:00 am Pacific time
This year we reached the tipping point. The soul is now rising to its intended operating system within the body, mind and spirit.
This mass integration of working relationship between the soul and the spirit is harmonized. Many have finished their birthing pains and some are still resolving issues. But its time to put our new operating system in gear and RISE. Polarities that bothered the mind with confusion and worry have reached a tipping point and extraordinary extremes are resolving and integrating. You can now experience your mind as a tranquil sea of calm while your new system nurtures 24/7. You are able to grow by making the unconscious, conscious, and self-heal. Your new intuition allows you to hear your heart wisdom. Your alignments become graceful. The heart, spirit, soul, and your subconscious mind work together, finally!
More of us will hold the tranquil mind of equanimity all the time. This shifts the operating system between the body, mind, and spirit to its most profound state. Experience this evolution and initiation and begin your calm, loving, inspired life.
I Rise to my emotional and physical resilience.
I Rise to my heart's intelligence

My Evolved Sovereign Spirit
Included in this module:
mp3 Guided Activation | Length: 10:28 | Value: $59 |
mp3 PureEnergy Download™ | Length: 11:19 | Value: $39 |
Live Transformation Call | Length: 90-min | Value: $99 |
Saturday June 24th, 2017 at 9:00 am Pacific time
This process grounds out disruptive energy patterns and excess energy frequency and aligns with spirit in an uplifting and inspiring energy field. This process aligns your soul and spirit and assists you by giving you energy to take your gift into the world without burning out your adrenals. This process assists in receiving information and inspiration during this harmonious dance between spirit and soul. Choices become easy and your life is in the flow of your goals. Gives you the energy to fulfill the desires of your intuitive higher mind.
I Rise to purposeful action
I Rise to my inspired gifts
I Rise to magnetize my manifestation with ease
I Rise to my strength
I Rise to a profound new confidence
I Rise to quickened awareness and vision
I Rise to my diamond focus
I Rise to my personal gifts to change the world
I Rise to transform my pain to my gifts
I Rise to my active intelligence and intuition
I Rise to the divine masculine that acts in truth not fear

Congruent Heart Intelligence
Included in this module:
mp3 Guided Activation | Length: 11:44 | Value: $59 |
mp3 PureEnergy Download™ | Length: 11:38 | Value: $39 |
Live Transformation Call | Length: 90-min | Value: $99 |
Saturday July 15th, 2017 at 9:00 am Pacific time
Why do we over and over repeat our dysfunctional patterns? By the terms of the contract, we will lose. We try to beat it and are hopeful, but unless we transform through the pattern it returns again and again.
In this call I give you the playbook for how to let go completely and the keys it really takes to do it.
I Rise to release my trauma bonds
I Rise to feel the joy of innocence
I Rise to my emotional resilience
I Rise to my personal evolution
What if you discovered the advanced and true purpose of your inner child? Your innocent, true self-healing, self-nurturing system?
Your inner innocence is a timeless energy field we co-create with. Our first steps are to love, to truly know how to offer ourselves unconditional love and self-acceptance. Secondly, we become adept at accepting and let go of judgement. It is the subconscious made conscious. It's not the inner child that needs to mature. It's our relationship with it that is evolving, and with realignment you become whole, integrated and evolved. You are able to master self-care at unconscious levels.
I Rise to the sacred union of my evolved self
I Rise to the divine feminine that unconditionally loves
I Rise to the congruent heart intelligence that aligns with soul
I Rise to growing from subconscious to conscious
I Rise to authentic inner collaboration
I Rise to transform density to lightness of being
I Rise to utilize the secrets of self healing and nurturing
Sacred Union
Total Package Value $1,214
You Save 90%!
All mp3 recordings are provided via digital download, no CDs, DVDs or other physical media will be shipped. Instructions to download your mp3 recordings will be provided immediately upon purchase.
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before the earlier of: 30 days after the date of your purchase or the date of the first live event, whichever comes first.

Package C

Access to Wisdom
Take your personal transformation to the next level with your personal session with Sherry. Experience a full 25-minute personal session with Sherry as she focuses her attention and skills on the core, foundational opportunities for development and growth in your life and answers any questions you may have.
This package includes:
- All of Package A - Refined Intuition
- All of Package B - Sacred Union
- 25-minute Personal Session with Sherry. Includes a downloadable recording of your session*.

Personal 25-minute Session with Sherry
Phone/Skype | Length: 25-min | Value: $195 |
Imagine your life with more vitality, open to your inner guidance, increase clarity, decrease pain and increase mobility. For people new to energy work or advanced.
"My private session with Sherry was the actual cherry on top of the cake. I felt SEEN, HEARD, CARED FOR, ACCEPTED. Sherry is so loving and nurturing that I, a very anxious and shy person, managed to feel at ease and able to openly share my concerns. After the session, the seed that lived in the ground, started to pierce its confines into the light."
~ Maria de Lourdes
"I really value who you are and your work. I listen to our session often and feel its benefits; my relationship is much calmer and stronger with truly honest communication."
~ Adrienne Earle
Access to Wisdom
Total Package Value $1,409
You Save 84%!
All mp3 recordings are provided via digital download, no CDs, DVDs or other physical media will be shipped. Instructions to download your mp3 recordings will be provided immediately upon purchase.
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before the earlier of: 30 days after the date of your purchase, the date of the first live event, or the date of your personal session with Sherry, whichever comes first.
Your personal session must be used within 6 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled.
*Sherry will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues beyond her control, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.

About Sherry Phillips Swatek
Sherry is an internationally renowned healer that transforms lives. Through her work, she has manifested abundance, resolved relationship troubles, relieved chronic pain and illness, rejuvenated lives and extended quality of life, upgraded business and financial opportunities, and helped with fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.
Sherry Phillips Swatek is a soul whisperer, a medical intuitive, and a spiritual and business mentor. She is a multi-dimensional integrator; she helps her clients find the parts of their life, their soul, that have become dis-integrated and bring them back into alignment with love and acceptance. Sherry’s talent to quickly find and resolve the root causes makes her work fast and powerful.
Sherry is a clear channel and has experienced clear communication since childhood. She is a masterful in both light work, body work and deep feminine processes. It is not unusual for messages to be delivered on multiple levels during her sessions, non-verbally. She has been gifted with prophecies, multiple energetic processes and she has mentored many teachers and energy workers. Her working knowledge of the human body at the molecular, physical, spiritual, metaphysical, and energetic levels empowers her ability to synthesize the necessary energies for soul synthesis within the body mind and spirit.
Your Text
Package A
Refined Intuition
Total Package Value $454
You Save 79%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
Package B
Sacred Union
Total Package Value $1214
You Save 90%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
Package C
Access to Wisdom
Total Package Value $1409
You Save 84%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry

My grandson was born healthy…!

Sherry cleared my family’s karma, ancestral issues and patterns in-vitro for my unborn grandson after my daughter was rushed to the hospital with early labor and bleeding. It stopped immediately. Sherry told us many characteristics he would be born with, including his extra-big feet that he would love. As soon as he was born, the doctor commented on how big his feet were. Our family is so happy he was carried to term and born healthy.
I never thought I could become whole again…

Thank you for taking my question on last Sunday’s call. I started implementing your advice right away, and I have to say I found it hard to “love” the angry parts of me. I decided to send these parts “into the Light” to be sort of washed clean and then returned to me when I and they were ready. Well, it happened a lot quicker than I expected! The very next day I was decidedly happier and I was very aware that a younger part of me had indeed returned.
When I was about 9, my mother became ‘religious’ and basically shut down everything normal in my childhood. I was not allowed to play, celebrate holidays or even my birthday. Most of all she tried to kill my love of music. Of course I used to listen in secret, but I felt like a sinner. As a child, I adored a little portable record player my father gave me. Well, predictably, since it gave me so much joy, this was how I got punished, my mother would lock it up.
Completely unexpectedly, after I re-integrated my anger and got my “little girl” back, I suddenly had the urge to have my little record player. I went on Amazon and found the perfect little one, in Orange! My favorite color. I had saved all my old records and when I heard them again, after at least 35 years, I just sat and cried tears of joy. I never thought I could become whole again. So many thanks to you and for the beautiful soul that you are.
Feels like much of it has cleared…

Thank you for the replay of the podcast. I listened a few times to the first part, because the Dolphin Energy in it is so strong and beautiful! It touched a deep blockage within me and it feels like much of it has cleared.
A tangible wind behind my sails…

The work Sherry’s been doing has been powerful, appearing in both obvious and subtle ways. I love the Dolphin presence and their special help.
Pregnant in one month after years of trying…

Working with Sherry, I had finally gotten pregnant and have a beautiful daughter. She had told me a little girl was waiting for me and my right ovary was clogged. She had worked with me remotely and cleared my ovary and within a month I was pregnant. I had tried getting pregnant for years and worked with fertility specialists with no success. I now work with Sherry for emotional balance, as a life coach, grief, depression, and back pain. Each session with her I feel energized and harmony in my life.
Writer’s block is gone!

Sherry is an expert in her field. Her ability for precision with her work on all levels is extraordinary. Her dedication and strongly trained ability for finding and deleting weaknesses and intrusions to clear issues or create changes is beyond normal ability. Sherry’s work allows for the highest potential outcome. It is an astounding experience to have. I am still astounded; my writer’s block is gone!
My pain went from 7 to 0 in five minutes…

I had right shoulder pain at a level 7, so bad I could not move my shoulder. Within five minutes Sherry got the pain to a 0 and I can move it again up and down!
Wishing for another 21 days…

Sherry, just saying Thank You doesn’t feel like enough! Remember all that work stress I was feeling? Yesterday I was ready to resign by 9 am & right before I was able to tell them I had decided to leave I got the news I have been dreaming of; I was being transferred back to my old accounts. How is that for manifesting??!! I enjoyed a fabulous light happy day today, I haven’t felt this good in ages.
I have seen & felt so many wonderful things over the last 21 days that I am wishing for another 21 days. Sherry your offer spoke to me in so many ways when I first learned of it. The dolphins were definitely lighting up my path to discover both them & you & your many gifts. I kept flipping thru the offer knowing I wanted it so much but telling myself I couldn’t/shouldn’t be buying things. After 3 years of not buying things, my heart just felt this was the one thing I really should purchase for myself & I took the plunge before I could talk myself out of it.
Replenished my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness…

I didn’t even realize what I most needed to focus on in my session with Sherry, but she found my blind spot: replenishing my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness. After her work, the painful lymph glands in my armpits simmered down, and I felt a noticeable loosening in my head, neck, jaw, and shoulders, places where tension has long been centered. The next day, when I looked in the mirror, I immediately noticed a difference. Sluggish circulation had made me pale for years, but today my legs were pink, my face was pink – even my lips were noticeably darker! A sense of steadier energy flow goes with the circulation, and I’ve been receiving a lot of information about how to manage my energy, practically and emotionally, so it can continue to flow even more steadily. I am really grateful for the range and precision of Sherry’s work and I feel that what she’s started is continuing to support me.
In one of my sessions with Sherry, I felt a lot of activity in my brain stem and a huge level of nervous tension release. Afterward, I felt more solid in my body, and also as if the “harness” on my neck and shoulders had been released. I’ve also noticed that it’s easier for me to stay away from old, depressive patterns. Thank you Sherry!
Has completely stopped bleeding!

Thank you for the healing you sent to our dog. His nose was bleeding on and off and the vet couldn’t find anything wrong with it. Now it has completely stopped bleeding! I am really grateful to you for that.
An incredible healer, spiritual midwife…

I have worked with Sherry for over twenty years. I call her my ‘spiritual healer’, yet is difficult to put into words exactly what her work encompasses. I find Sherry to be bright, humble, connected to the universal force and aware of both the past, present, and future as she practices the art of healing in a special and effective way.
Initially, I sought consultation through Sherry as I was looking for a medium who is clairvoyant but I quickly came to realize that she is much more than that. Throughout the years I have grown to rely on Sherry and I call her during times that I am unable to reach my spiritual, psychological, relational, health, home, and parenting goals. I find when I feel unbalanced and speak to Sherry, within minutes I feel calm and 100% tuned into my inner healing abilities as she helps me to get in touch with my higher power and true self.
Over time I’ve come to emulate Sherry with the work I provide and facilitate for my own patients. Sherry has helped me through every milestone that I’ve had in my life for twenty years. She is wonderful during transition times. I trust her implicitly, which is something that does not come easily or frequently for me. She has helped me to live a full, active, successful life despite having chronic kidney disease for 26 years. The doctors have been amazed that I remained asymptomatic for so long and it was not until a month ago that I had to have a kidney transplant. With Sherry’s energy work, she has helped me to heal at a physiological and physical level and helped create healing spaces with the doctors, surgery room, my home and support team, and now a month later my doctors are again shocked at how well I have healed.
Sherry helped me through the trauma of nearly dying during childbirth, and I used her as what I called a spiritual ‘midwife’. She was energetically again in the hospital with me and helped my daughter and I quickly heal. My daughter was only 3 lbs and needed oxygen, a breathing tube, and was in the NICU for 3 weeks. With Sherry’s assistance, my daughter is healthy, the tallest in her class, and thriving on every level! Sherry also helped me through a difficult divorce and worked on my ex-husband (who was very angry and uncooperative ) and me. Now we have harmony in our relationship.
Sherry is an incredible healer and very attentive during crisis. Sherry gets measurable results! I would refer anybody to Sherry and believe fully in her knowledge about psychology, spirituality, medicine, healing, past lives, and connecting to the spiritual universal energy powerful tools! I consult Sherry before making most big decisions and believe she has been instrumental in helping me grow and find my true self. Today I am a confident happy person vibrating at a powerful level and I still consult Sherry on a regular basis!
Is this my brain rewiring?

It’s difficult to explain what’s happened to me since our personal session. Things that I was very sure of turned out to be a mistake. And it seems like I am walking through sludge and I’m getting frustrated easy. Is this my brain rewiring into holding a higher dimension? It’s weird that I notice and am aware of the separation. The usual flow that I have navigated my life with seems to be changing. I think I’m looking for some reassurance!
Update!! Not only has my brain been rewired, I was fortunate to see, thru my minds eye, my spirit/soul. It was beautiful and still moves me when I think of it. Immense gratitude!! I also witnessed in meditation my brain rewiring. I heard the old belief and saw my wiring disconnect the old and create new connections. I heard each belief at first, but the rewiring got faster, and faster. This is where I let go and allowed, trusting the process.
The subtle changes around me are amazing. People for the first time in my life are coming and saying the nicest things. The speed in which daily life moves is very multi-dimensional, the pace is slower, less stressful. And, everything is getting done. Long held fears have vanished with each opportunity presented to raise those fears. My reactions are neutral and grounded. The words that come out of my mouth are gentle. Much sarcasm is gone. Chattering head, mostly quiet and when its not, I am able to use the tools I’ve been taught over the years OR know when I need outside assistance. My deepest gratitude for your gift of healing.
Your Text
Package A
Refined Intuition
Total Package Value $454
You Save 79%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
Package B
Sacred Union
Total Package Value $1214
You Save 90%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
Package C
Access to Wisdom
Total Package Value $1409
You Save 84%
3 mp3 Equinox 2017 Transformation Modules
1 mp3 Energetic Instruction Module
1 mp3 Guided Activation
1 mp3 PureEnergy Download™
Private Facebook Group
3 Live Group Transformation Calls
3 mp3 Guided Activations
3 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™
14 Days of LiveEnergy Download™
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry