Heart Synthesis
Becoming More You...
Our old operating systems are dismantling. It's the perfect time to allow more aspects of you to synthesize to experience your true wholeness.
You are at the crossroads...
What decides the quality of your new life? Your consciousness, your wholeness. Expand your inner world by experiencing your whole self.
Your Text
Package A
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Package B
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry
Package C
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Three 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry
Package D
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Five 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry
25-days of LiveEnergy Download™
Part 1: Sunday August 8th to Friday August 13th
Celebrate the ascent of Sirius and Lion's Gate on the New Moon
Part 2: Monday August 16th to Sunday August 22nd
Celebrate the Full Moon
Part 3: Saturday September 4th to Friday September 10th
Celebrate the New Moon
Part 4: Monday September 20th to Friday September 24th
Celebrate the Full Moon and Autumnal Equinox
You will be empowered with 25 days of LiveEnergy Download™ delivered in four parts over the course of the program.
LiveEnergy Download™ is a comprehensive energy transmission including balance of body-mind-spirit, alignment to the universal framework, and resonant energies to lift, clean, clear, and repair your personal light grids so that you can receive all the support the universe can provide. This process can clarify and simplify the things that have been chronically blocking you in your life and will facilitate moving through obstacles. The more connected you are to your light grids, the more aligned you are to your role in the symphony of universal energy. This energetic "tune-up" brings a new level of fluidity and ease to your manifestations and your play.
There is nothing you need to do to receive these energy downloads. Simply go about your daily activities. Be open to and aware of the energy coming your way and take time to meditate if you desire.
You will receive an email from Sherry each LiveEnergy Download™ day describing the energy flow and focus for the day. You will be able to write to her to let her know how you are doing and any special requests you have.
Live Transformation Calls
Each live transformation call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry leads an anchoring group process with activations and then she takes live and written questions from the participants. Each call will be recorded and the replay will be available to you shortly after the call ends.
Live Transformation Call 1
Awaken Your Wisdom
Saturday August 7th @ 9:00 AM US/Pacific time
Awaken your gestating wisdom in a redwood grove. Let's make space for our emerging self. We all have parts that have been dormant or waiting for us to welcome them into our life experience. Aspects of ourselves have slumbered while we have been busy in our adaptive lives. Let's free these parts and make space for integration.
The call will begin with a transformative guided meditation. I will answer your questions live and you may post questions online.
Live Transformation Call 2
Alchemical Treasure
Saturday August 21st @ 9:00 AM US/Pacific time
Resource to the alchemical treasure of you. This is a grounded process to welcome back some of our best aspects that we let go of. This can be from doubt, trauma, or others' ideas of who we should be.
The call will begin with energy work designed around the questions I receive and what my spirit guides me to give you. Afterwards I will answer your live and written questions.
Live Transformation Call 3
Autumnal Equinox
Wednesday September 22nd @ 9:00 AM US/Pacific time
Awakening the collapsed and shut down aspects. Recognizing the parts that collapse when triggered. Today we will map regulation of nervous system and assist you with making a personal map to wellness and nervous system regulation.
The call will begin with a transformative guided meditation. I will answer your questions live and you may post questions online.
Mp3 Recordings
The Redwood
Two Guided Meditation mp3s
PureEnergy Download™ mp3
The majestic Redwood trees symbolize safety, longevity, ancient wisdom, and renewal. The Coastal Redwoods are the tallest known trees, and the Sequoias are the widest. Redwood draws energy from the universe and the earth. Redwood's healing qualities make it resistant to disease and fire. New sprouts come from the roots in a never-ending cycle of renewal. The qualities of Redwood we can infuse are resilience, healing, purification, healthy adaptation and remaining true to our source. Balance is a key essence of Redwood trees. In the presence of these trees, we immediately drop any pretense and align our priorities and purpose. Redwood trees lend their strength to us in our most wounded moments. They are the earth's most majestic living beings.
The Sovereign Lens
Guided Activation mp3
PureEnergy Download™ mp3
To become more of yourself, we free ourselves from collective beliefs that limit us. We begin to use the strength that defines our inner landscape. It's difficult to be ourselves if we see the world through others lens, hypnotic group think, or our adaptations to stress and trauma. This process gives you a technique to drop the lens and see clearly into yourself so what you project into the world is your best version of you. We are projectors and what we see in the world is also what we create more of.
The Quaking Aspen
Guided Activation mp3
PureEnergy Download™ mp3
Aspen trees are magical. They were revered by Druids, Indian nations, cultures living close to the earth, and Persephone. They offer a clear mirror of human connectedness and offer the gift of transformation, doorways to the next world, and medicinal qualities. Clones of these delightfully colored trees are said to be 8,000 years old and North America has a root system of over 100 acres all supporting a giant grove. We will explore the qualities of the Quaking Aspen, its root magic, psychic doorways, healing power and the gifts it offers in the new earth.
Personal Session with Sherry
Imagine your life with more vitality, open to your inner guidance, increased clarity, decreased pain and increased mobility. Choose either a 25-minute, three 50-minute, or five 50-minute Personal Sessions. For people new to energy work or advanced.
"I really value who you are and your work. I listen to our session often and feel its benefits; my relationship is much calmer and stronger with truly honest communication."
~ Adrienne Earle
"My private session with Sherry was the actual cherry on top of the cake. I felt SEEN, HEARD, CARED FOR, ACCEPTED. Sherry is so loving and nurturing that I, a very anxious and shy person, managed to feel at ease and able to openly share my concerns. After the session, the seed that lived in the ground, started to pierce its confines into the light."
~ Maria de Lourdes
Your Text
Package A
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Package B
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry
Package C
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Three 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry
Package D
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Five 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry
For decades, Sherry has been helping clients move past their barriers into the life they dream of, where relationships are supportive, troubles dissolve, pain and illness heal, and abundance flows freely.
Sherry is continually evolving herself and her work to better serve her clients and her universal calling as an Energy Master. Internationally renowned for her breakthrough Multidimensional Integration processes including The 12 Pillars of Benevolent Creation, The Authentic Heart, The Infinity Loop, Soul Synthesis, Abundance Playground, and others, she has been gifted with inspired light work including the Rainbow Blanket energies, New Earth Evolution, and Sacred Geometric processes.
About Sherry Phillips Swatek
Sherry is an internationally renowned healer that transforms lives. Through her work, she has manifested abundance, resolved relationship troubles, relieved chronic pain and illness, rejuvenated lives and extended quality of life, upgraded business and financial opportunities, and helped with fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.
Sherry Phillips Swatek is a soul whisperer, a medical intuitive, and a spiritual and business mentor. She is a multi-dimensional integrator; she helps her clients find the parts of their life, their soul, that have become dis-integrated and bring them back into alignment with love and acceptance. Sherry’s talent to quickly find and resolve the root causes makes her work fast and powerful.
Sherry is a clear channel and has experienced clear communication since childhood. She is a masterful in both light work, body work and deep feminine processes. It is not unusual for messages to be delivered on multiple levels during her sessions, non-verbally. She has been gifted with prophecies, multiple energetic processes and she has mentored many teachers and energy workers. Her working knowledge of the human body at the molecular, physical, spiritual, metaphysical, and energetic levels empowers her ability to synthesize the necessary energies for soul synthesis within the body mind and spirit.
Your Text
Package A
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Package B
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
25-minute Personal Session with Sherry
Package C
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Three 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry
Package D
3 Live Transformation Calls
25 days of LiveEnergy Download
Daily Activation Emails
Six mp3 Recordings
Private Facebook Group
Five 50-minute Personal Sessions with Sherry