Restore Your Soul’s Blueprint
Waking Your Spiritual Power
This package includes:
- 21 Days of LiveEnergy Downloads™ energy activation transmissions.
- 7 Energetic Activation Emails from Sherry during the 21 Days.
- 1 Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend energy activation transmissions.
- 3 Live Teleconference Calls loaded with energetic clearings and activations. Sherry will take your questions live. Includes downloadable recordings.
- 1 Bonus Recorded Teleconference Call loaded with energetic clearings and activations.
- 3 Transformative Modules 90 minutes of transformative activations and energetic clearings.
- 6 mp3 Guided Activations layered with transformational energies.
- 8 mp3 PureEnergy Downloads™ silent energy recordings.
In addition to everything in Package A, you will experience 21 days of daily refining and amplifying personal energy grids for any purpose you desire. Each participant will receive personal energy daily. We will be building an energetic scaffolding of sacred geometry and universal harmonics to:
- Improve your physical symptoms
- Resolve negative thought patterns
- Increase abundance and self esteem
- Increase your passion for life and creativity
- Connect to pure love