Master Your Complete Life
Upgrade Your Life – Package A
Upgrade your life with powerful transformational tools and teachings developed by Sherry, internationally known Multidimensional Integrator, Medical Intuitive and Soul Whisperer. This series of audio-energetic downloads is designed to increase wellness for physical symptoms, improve relationships, expand your time, and improve your abundance. The audios include techniques you can use daily to give you added zest for life and increased joy. They include specific teachings that are easily adaptable for you personally.
Expanding Time (Timeless Grace)
8:15 min |
Nervous System Upgrade
7:51 min |
Memory Upgrade
Are you forgetful? Do you sometimes walk into a room and wonder why? This Guided Activation deletes energies that interfere with memory and inhibit access to your memory. |
10:30 min |
Manifesting Abundance in your Life
13:17 min |
New Earth Resilience
Shift out of the collective fear of earth changes and change your experiences and perspective. The planet is changing, and people are suffering – become neutral to the new earth perspective. Are you super sensitive to impending shifts? This will even out your response so you will not overwhelm your nervous system. Its from our neutral state that we can be our best and can offer our gifts. |
6:03 min |
Release Overwhelm
9:17 min |
The Restorative Blanket
9:01 min |
Integrating Your Purpose
Reset and upgrade your energy to get in touch with your purpose and discover your next step. This activation gives you a strong foundation from which to align your purpose. |
8:45 min |
Chambers of the Heart
Dive into the heart chakra, clear out old debris, and love yourself. This Guided Activation clears outdated heart patterns of authority, realigns our connections to others and allows for the light of perception to assist you in your updating of heart energy. |
8:40 min |
Bliss Download and Body Upgrade with Archangel Uriel
Guided Activation with energies of bliss and the Archangels guiding you to upgrade your body function. This is a full body clearing working within your body and energetic field to assist you in feeling more aligned and internally connected. |
7:39 min |