• Do you have the wealth, home, career, and freedom that you want?
  • Do your dreams just keep slipping through your fingers?
  • Do you quickly and easily manifest everything you want?

Join Sherry in
The Abundance Playground

If you want....

  • More money in your life
  • New home, car, clothes or more
  • More travel
  • A debt-free life
  • Finances aligned to your truth
  • Greed-free abundance
  • Faster manifestation
  • Faster insight and intuition
  • Improved living space
  • Increased inner reliability
  • Increased self esteem
  • To design your abundant life
  • Freedom

If you feel....

  • Wealth is for others
  • Devastated over losses
  • Other people are lucky but you aren't
  • Your fortune is lost or can't find you
  • Financial swings destabilize you
  • Your career is stalled
  • Dreams are unclear
  • Lost focus for creating a better life
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Lack of energy or vitality
  • Overwhelmed by scarcity
  • Your mindset is ready for the next disaster

This program will align you with your Authentic Abundance. It is more than just a spurt of positive energy or fuel for your ego to want to rule your life. Part of our process will be to assure your authentic alignment and graceful ease with prosperity. If you resonate to this, then it's time for you to break free from your old, broken paradigms of abundance and wealth. You deserve to learn the secrets of Essential Manifestation, to discover The Abundance Playground, and to evolve the joys of Limitless Abundance.

Take the Evolutionary Step into
Your Energized Abundant Life

Sherry has been working with quantum field energy for decades. She has firsthand experience with the difficulties of upgrading from our current realities to the multidimensional realities where we can truly expand our consciousness and creativity. From her work with masters and novices alike, Sherry has cultivated the techniques to break free from your old, regressive patterns and move into new dimensions of creativity, manifestation and abundance.

This is the opportunity to invest in yourself
that you have been looking for!

~ Esther Bartkiw, Conscious and Ascension Guide, Facilitator of Divine Transformation

“In just a few minutes Sherry was able to lift up and out a dense ball of energy that had been lingering in my Solar Plexus for days. Instant relief! She also cleared mom energy hanging out in my field wanting to enjoy my adventures and created a deeper connection of Body, Spirit and Mind, assisting my Body to self-heal as it knows best. I giggled and laughed throughout the process and feel fantastic.”

~ Esther Bartkiw, Conscious and Ascension Guide, Facilitator of Divine Transformation
~ Mia den Haan, Soul Healer, Channel for Spirit, Author, Australia

“Sherry has a great gift for clearing clairvoyantly in higher dimensions, where in my experience only a few healers have the capacity to go and the ability to clear.

Sherry’s clairvoyant ability to find energetic patterns or blocks, in my case they were hidden states and some were past live issues, is excellent.
She very accurately found several hidden states from a past life, to do with empowerment issues.

Sherry is an expert in the field of healing karma and energetic blockages.
She also cleared an energetic block between me and a close family member that I had difficulty finding myself.”

~ Mia den Haan, Soul Healer, Channel for Spirit, Author, Australia

Package A

Essential Manifestation

  • 6 MP3 Guided Activations layered with transformational energies.
  • 8 MP3 PureEnergy Download™ silent Energy Activation transmissions
  • 21 Days of LiveEnergy Download™ daily live Energy Activation transmissions
  • Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend daily live Energy Activation transmissions infused with essential Dolphin energies
  • Slide Show Guide to creating your personal Abundance Playground
  • Daily Activation Email during the 23 days

With this package you will get 14 mp3's to use at your convenience to grow your energy field for more abundance. You will also get a slide show guide to creating your personal Abundance Playground for you to use anytime you wish to create something new in your life.

You also get 23 days of daily refining and amplifying personal energy grids for any purpose you desire. You will receive energetic support 24/7 plus daily energies sent to you. Plus you will receive a daily email with energetic support and encouragement.

I won the lottery!

"I’ve been listening to the mp3’s daily and doing lots of clearing work and I got my first pay rise in 4 years this week and I’ve just been notified that I won $7,300 in the lottery yesterday! I’m over the moon! I can’t wait to see what else I can manifest."

~ Maree N., Australia

I am on the right path…

"I want to thank Sherry for her Wonderful Being. I purchased her package and joined her for the ride of releasing and shifting. During that time, I left the company I was with for 7 years. I knew it was time and that I was just clinging on due to fear of the unknown. But, I also knew that I was being prepared for this change with Sherry’s assistance. And, I held a space of faith that God would send me my next assignment.

In less than a week of unemployment I was offered a wonderful position with more pay and one that would impact a whole region. I now know how important it was for me to change my presence. Not only did this solidify all that I have learned through Sherry’s work and the sharing of her blessed gifts, she helped me to release my insecurities and to anchor in joy.

I have never before felt this kind of constant joy in my life. I do not have the fear that paralyzed me before nor am I no longer concerned about worrying about the future. I am more present and feel confident that I am in the flow with the Universe and I am on the right path."

~ Natalie O., Florida


Profound shifts, clearing unresolved thoughts and emotions…

"I cannot begin to tell you the profound shift and changes that are occurring within me. I feel grounded and centered, and neutrality happens more and more in my world each day.

l listen to your tapes often and feel love washing over me and clearing unresolved thoughts and emotions that do not serve me at this time. I will continue to work with the dolphins as they have become truly a part of my life. Deep Love and Gratitude for all that you do."

~ Carolyn T., California

Head out of the grey...

"After a long co-dependent relationship that drained me, I lived in a grey frequency. I stuck my neck out to breathe but that grey soup would engulf me again. People around me, in my job, in my family, they all live in fear. I couldn't escape. One day, after I started listening to Sherry's mp3s, I found myself interacting with a simple, uncomplicated person and saw the opportunity to jump out of that soup into a higher frequency. Can the Universe work in mysterious ways, or what? It's so much easier now to keep my head out of that soup and remain calm despite the storm around me. That feeling of calm was enhanced by the Expanding Time mp3, which now I felt I could afford the luxury of listening to."

~ Maria L., Europe


Item #1

21 days LiveEnergy Download™ Energy Activation Transmissions for the Abundance Playground
Begins June 18th

Value: $199

Format: LiveEnergy Download

Length: 21 Days

Receive 21 days of supportive energies to open your heart, anchor in self-love, and allow in pure strength and insight.

Item #2

Essential Dolphin Energies Weekend LiveEnergy Download - July 9th - 10th

Value: $89

Format: LiveEnergy Download

Length: 2 Days

Receive 2 bonus days of LiveEnergy Download™ with angelic and loving Dolphin energies over the weekend right after the 21-days. Experience joy, self-love, creative boost, rejuvenation, playfulness, and bliss.

Item #3

Slide Show Guide to Create Your
Personal Abundance Playground

Value: $39

Format: Slideshow

Visualize your abundance, practice your manifesting. Written step-by-step instructions to create your personal Abundance Playground.

Item #4

The Abundance Garden

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation

Length: 12:02


Guided activation with embedded energies to assist you in nurturing your energy field for your creative process and designed to assist you expand your flow of money and prosperity.

Item #5

Debt Release

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 12:05


This is a guided activation with embedded energy to assist in releasing debts you owe including mortgages and emotional debt or the effects of others owing you money or emotional debt.

Item #6

Inspiration Stairway

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 10:15


This is a guided activation to surface your inner guidance to increase your insight and access your unlimited intelligence for new flows of abundance.

Item #7

Expanding Time

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 5:17


Guided activation with embedded energy to impart the grace of timelessness.

Not enough time in a day? Download this frequency to expand time without pressure. Give yourself the gift of grace in action.

"Whenever I start my day by listening to this mp3 I find that not only do I get more things accomplished during the day in less time but I am also a lot more clear and focused on what needs to be done and how. Everything just flows better."

~ Joumana N.

"Time infinity bubble - I love the infinity bubble. It gives me energy to overcome physical and emotional exhaustion."

~ Nat G.

Item #8

New Earth Resilience

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 6:13


Guided activation with embedded energy to support embracing the changes all around.

Shift out of the collective fear of earth changes and disasters and transmute your fractal experiences. The planet is changing; become neutral to the new earth perspective. Are you super sensitive to impending shifts? This will even out your response so you will not overwhelm your nervous system.

“Unlike any experience I ever felt before. My heart chakra exploded in a burst of love for the earth and I perceived an understanding of the changes rather than fear. I also felt a type of resilience I have not felt before.”

~ Mike O.

Item #9

Memory Upgrade

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 10:42


Guided activation with embedded energy to improve and expand your memory and recall.

A verbal energy shifting session to delete energies that interfere with your memory while strengthening your memory, returning lost memories.

"It's amazing how easily memories came back after listening to this mp3. Things from long ago and only last month that I had completely forgotten were suddenly present and crystal clear."

~ Mike S.

Item #10

Dolphin Series 10 - Igniting the Creative Soul

Value: $60

Format: MP3 Guided Activation
Length: 9:52

Guided activation with embedded energy to ignite your creativity. This activation is layered with bliss, loving how you look and feel. Aligning you to your most desired state. There was an additional layer of aligning to your best numbers of measurements. Plus rejuvenation of skin and face. Artful expression and expressing yourself beyond your cultural limitations.

"I listened to this after a very long day. And, wow! In the first 30 seconds my tiredness washed away. I was smiling and felt ease in my body. My desire was to smooth some wrinkles and after a couple of minutes I felt my face pump up. At the end I felt joy and laughter. I really felt love for myself, and my face!"

~ Alana N.

Bonus #1

Abundance PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:30

Non-verbal energy download to prepare you for greater abundance.

Adjusts the receptive and giving energies in your body and magnetic ability to attract and hold prosperity.

“I listened to this on my way to work. I felt my energy opening like a flower blooming. Later that day, I was told I’m being considered for a promotion.”

~ Demarie D.

Bonus #2

Expanding Time PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 3:03

Non-verbal energy download to expand your sense of time.

Experience life without deadline pressures. Enjoy the fluid nature of time.

“I have listened to many MP3’s and I found I resonated with Sherry’s Expanding Time, Nervous System Upgrade and Release Overwhelm best. I feel calm, can focus better and it assists me to stop procrastinating.”

~ Jean D.

Bonus #3

Memory Upgrade PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:39

Non-verbal energy download to improve and expand your memory and recall.

Upgrade memory system for a better life.

“My memory is so bad so of course I went straight to this one. I’ve been using it for a week now, play it every chance I get. Since I started, I haven’t lost anything! That’s a record for me.”

~ Agnes N.

Bonus #4

New Earth Resilience PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:46

Non-verbal energy download to stay strong in difficult times.

Not only prepares you for changes in our world but also in your personal life. This is designed to increase your adaptability with heart and strength.

“I really could feel a lot going on physically. There was a tingling, hard to describe, champagne like sensations that I associate with sub-cellular work. I felt all the energies you described coming in an easy and noticeable way. I can feel a difference in my lungs as I write this!”

~ Sunday O.

Bonus #5

Neutrality PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:41

Non-verbal energy download to center your life with neutrality.

“Sherry, I’m really loving your brilliant audios! They are such a wonderful addition to my life. I’m using them and finding they are helping me ALOT to let go of what no longer serves my highest good much quicker. So, thank you so very much for these!”

~ Ismail N.

Bonus #6

Manifest Dreams PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:36

Non-verbal energy download to make your dreams a reality.

“My life has not been the same since I bought your package. Intuition is stronger and spot on. I stay neutral when I sense "stuff" instead of becoming emotional. My medical qigong treatments are more effective. Awesome stuff is happening. Thank you!”

~ J. Li.

Bonus #7

Playfulness PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:27

Non-verbal energy download to open a field of play for you, your loved ones, and your pets.

“I love this one! And you should see my cat rolling around. I really felt it around my heart very strongly.”

~ Jeffrey L.

Bonus #8

Luminescent Dream Catcher PureEnergy Download™

Value: $39

Format: Silent MP3 Energy Transmission
Length: 2:27

Non-verbal energy download to reflect your true heart's desire and align with the highest self.

Layers of accepting dreams beyond our knowing, benefits we have not yet considered, discernment for resonant desires. There are physical attunements made for the quantum particles up through your whole body, mind and spirit.

“Love the luminescent dream catcher. Awesome vibration. So relaxing and a great state of neutrality. Thank you!”

~ Jacquie O.

More money this month…

"Thank you so much for this whole package! I’ve made more money this month than I have in any month so far and I can’t believe how easy it was, how I much i trusted that the money was already here, and how focused, grounded and kick-ass I’ve felt through the whole process! What did you do? Your audios save my life in every moment! I love how short, easy to use, and magically profound they are. I just love expanding time with your work!"

~ Ayla A., Colorado

Wishing for another 21 days…

"Sherry, just saying Thank You doesn’t feel like enough! Remember all that work stress I was feeling? Yesterday I was ready to resign by 9 am & right before I was able to tell them I had decided to leave I got the news I have been dreaming of; I was being transferred back to my old accounts. How is that for manifesting??!! I enjoyed a fabulous light happy day today, I haven’t felt this good in ages.

It’s hard to believe it's time for the 2nd [Metaphysical Grid] call. I can’t wait to be on it for the full call later today. I have seen & felt so many wonderful things over the last 21 days that I am wishing for another 21 days. Sherry your offer spoke to me in so many ways when I first learned of it. The dolphins were definitely lighting up my path to discover both them & you & your many gifts. I kept flipping thru the offer knowing I wanted it so much but telling myself I couldn’t/shouldn’t be buying things. After 3 years of not buying things, my heart just felt this was the one thing I really should purchase for myself & I took the plunge before I could talk myself out of it."

~ Lisa B., Massachusetts

Package A

Total Package Value $1,059

Introductory Offer $127
*** 88% Saving ***

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before 30 days after the date of your purchase or the first day of the 21 days of LiveEnergy Download™, whichever comes first. (No refunds after June 18, 2016)

Package B

The Abundance Playground

  • All of Package A
  • 3 Live Transformative Group Calls loaded with energetic clearings and activations. Sherry will take your questions live. Includes downloadable recordings.
  • 6 Recorded Transformative Group Calls loaded with energetic clearings and activations.
  • Private FaceBook Page during the program.

In addition to the 14 MP3's to grow your energy field for more abundance, 23 days of daily energetic support and daily email, and the slide show guide to creating your personal Abundance Playground, with this package you will receive access to a new private Facebook page so we can share and practice. We are going to resolve negative patterns that slow us down and keep us in doubt.

You will also receive 6 Recorded Transformative Group Calls, each one focusing energy on an aspect of manifestation and creation in your life. These 90 minute calls include activations and clearings by Sherry along with live issues from the callers.

And, you are also included in a Live Transformative Group Call to empower and facilitate creating your improved life. This 90 minute live group call with Sherry will be layered with clearings and activations and Sherry will take live questions from the audience.

~ Denise McNab, Creator of Pure Love Infusion, Pennsylvania

“No need to hire a business coach, I know where to go to get the best business advice. I invested thousands in coaching programs to expand my business online. More guidance came through Sherry in one session than I received in the 4 month business coaching program I was in last year. I saved time, money and frustration. I had many aha moments and several ideas that I will develop into programs over the next year. Best of all, my sales doubled in one day after Sherry made some adjustments to my energy field.”

~ Denise McNab, Creator of Pure Love Infusion, Pennsylvania

The pain was totally gone…

"I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and your work! On our group call, you called on me and worked on my foot which was hurting so bad that I couldn't even move it or walk! Within a couple of minutes of your zeroing in on the emotional issues causing the pain, I could move it and walk a little. I listened to the call a few more times and within a couple of days, the pain was totally gone!!! Thank you so much!"

~ P. Jones, Texas

Item #11

Live Group Call: Your Infinite Potential

Value: $99

BONUS! Two Extra Live Group Calls

Value: $198

Format: LIVE Call and MP3 Recording
Length: 60-90 Minutes

The call will begin with an alignment expanding your potential and your idea of who you are and who you can be. We will address questions from the participants and the idea of feeling like a fraud or you do not belong in certain successful ventures. We explore not only our own limitations but the ones we adopt from others and we dissolve them in this call.

For those who cannot attend the live call, it will be recorded and the downloadable recording will be available shortly after the call. The energies on the recording will be as strong and supportive as on the live call.

The best package I have ever purchased!

"I purchased Sherry Phillips Swatek first package offered, Package B. And as soon as I got it & listened to my first MP3 I was kicking myself for not getting Package C. This was literally THE best package I have ever purchased. I am a Huge animal lover so those Dolphins saw me coming & charmed me right from the start. Here I was hating my job of 26 years, over $1k in overdue taxes due the end of the month and 21 weeks pregnant at age 49, told the baby would not survive past 25 weeks. First day of the 21 days of healing & Grid work was 7/14.Here is what happened.

7/16 - did the overnight grid work.
7/22 - IRS sent me a letter not only accepting my payment plan but not starting the deductions until 9/24.
7/24 - at work was told I would be transferred back to my old teamon
8/3(the last day of 21 days)handling the Region I love most with a team I loved.
8/12 - all past due car payment has been paid. And today, 8/17, I am 25w2d pregnant. My baby still may have hurdles but I never made it this far before and whatever the future holds each day of my journey with her has been a miracle, gift and blessing."

~ Lisa B., Massachusetts

Item #12

The Abundance Playground
Recorded Group Call

Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 86 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

  • Do you know what you want?
  • Align your empowerment for manifestation
  • Design your personal space and playground
  • Develop your relationship ease with wealth and time
  • Prepare our multidimensional space for our intentions to manifest
  • Clear known or unknown limitations, blocks, and self-sabotage
  • Remove energy cysts holding you back

Item #13

Essential Manifestation Attunement
Recorded Group Call

Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 84 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

  • Clarify and purify your intentions
  • Designing a blueprint for your successful self, energetically and physically
  • Alignment to your highest creative source and highest potential
  • Open avenues you haven't dreamed of yet
  • Clear and integrate your mind, body and spirit from collective or personal limitations, experiences, and disintegrations limiting your potential
  • Rituals: when they help and when they don't
  • Upgrade your identity to a magnificent creator

Item #14

Energy Hygiene for Abundance
Recorded Group Call

 Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 100 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

  • Daily choices that make abundance easy
  • How to use parallel existences to quicken abundance
  • When mindfulness needs an update to keep your manifestations flowing
  • When affirmations are working for or against your goal
  • How to set and grow the abundance garden (I have a secret…)
  • Match your internal strength to your external reality
  • When goals and dreams should be private or public
  • Integrate your unlimited intelligence
  • Unconscious ways we set ourselves up to loose

Item #15

Resolve Numbers and Word Triggers
Recorded Group Call

Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 143 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

  • Clear limitations with lucky or unlucky numbers (such as birth order, decimals, deadlines, targets, etc.) that weaken you
  • Clear word and phrase triggers (such as debt, 1 percent, bankruptcy, prosperity, rich, wealth, loser, etc.) that weaken you
  • Myths about affirmations
  • Which paradigm are you creating in?
  • Clearing energetic limitations related to taxes, government regulation, and inheritance
  • Clear collective limitations to your creation
  • Myths about our mind, how it helps, how it limits and how to get to your true intelligence

Item #16

Debt Busters
Recorded Group Call

Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 142 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

Let's cancel the debts and remove the energy cysts of them holding you down and interfering with your manifestations.

  • Transcending your concepts of karma
  • Letting yourself (and others) off the hook
  • How to end the self-punishment
  • Paying your debts: achieving a debt-free consciousness
  • Updating our moral consciousness
  • What others owe you and what you owe them
  • What you owe yourself
  • Debt: Who owes who in an abundant universe
  • Who are you working for?
  • Integrate soul fragments holding you back
  • Delete patterns of money as punishment and control

Item #17

Dolphin Spirit: Swimming in Abundance
Recorded Group Call

Value: $99

Format: MP3
Length: 114 Minutes

Call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings.

Activation with Dolphin essential energy to make way for more prosperity.

  • Upgrade your energetic field and flow
  • Opening to receive and accept your prosperity
  • Investing in your self
  • Confidence in your creativity
  • Up-leveling your manifesting powers for your next creation
  • See it, believe it, feel it in your body
  • Value your life
  • Integrate your highest potential

Package B

Total Package Value $1,653

Introductory Offer $177

*** 89% Saving ***

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase or the date of the first group call, whichever comes first. (No refunds after June 18, 2016)

Attracted an incredible man who cherishes me for who I am…

Kathleen-M"Sherry's work helped me to unlock a deeply painful pattern of attracting men in relationships that drained and undervalued me. Shortly after engaging in the work with Sherry, I met and attracted an incredible man who cherishes me for who I am. We travel the world together. Sherry's work is both healing and profound. She is able to use her considerable intuitive gifts to get to the heart of any issue or problem. She then works to shift the energy while offering tools the client can use to facilitate a positive outcome. Sherry is equal parts therapist, healer and magician!"

~ Kathleen Medina, Author, Intuitive, and Numerologist at Canyon Ranch Spa, Massachusetts and Montreal

Package C

Limitless Abundance

  • All of Package A and Package B
  • A 25-minute Personal Session with Sherry

Take your personal transformation to the next level with a personal session with Sherry. Experience a full 25 minute session with Sherry as she focuses her attention and skills on the core, foundational opportunities for development and growth in your life and answers any questions you may have.

Soul Whisperer…

Joumana-N"Sherry is the soul whisperer and working with her is like having a trusted friend go into the deepest corners of your soul, intuitively hone in on the deepest wounds that have kept you stuck in fear for God knows how long, and quickly heal and release them. Sherry’s work is all-encompassing. It spans through this lifetime, past lives, ancestral lines, the collective, so she really gets to the nitty-gritty of our challenges and issues.

Sometimes Sherry can get to everything in one session, sometimes several sessions are needed to release it all depending on how deep or ancient it is but in either case, the relief you feel is immediate especially if you are triggered at the time she works on you. My sessions with Sherry are that and so much more. She gave me information on the next steps of my journey that was so far removed from my awareness it would have taken me a lot more time, stress, and frustration to get to it. It was a precious gift."

~ Joumana Nasr, Precious Victories Coaching, Medical Intuitive, California

You were spot on

"I've completed the session and I'm super-duper impressed !!!🎉 You are absolutely brilliant, brilliant, brilliant !!!💞

Thank you so very much times a Godzillion for all the awesome work you did...I'm totally blown away! I've been clearing for the last couple of years and this session was by far the best and most comprehensive of all that I've had so far...you were spot on...so therefore thank you so much!!!

I'm very grateful to have come across you on the summit."

~ Naseema, South Africa

Item #18

25-minute Personal Session with Sherry
(with downloadable recording)

Value: $195

Format: Telephone Session
Length: 25 Minutes

Imagine your life with more vitality, open to your inner guidance, with increased clarity. You may choose to have a Money scan, focusing on your financial prosperity or an Abundance scan, checking for leaking energy, latent talents that can emerge, and to discover and transmute limitations to your prosperity. Or, we can work on any issues standing in the way of your abundant life. For people new to energy work or advanced.

A tremendous blessing…

"My personal session with Sherry has been a tremendous blessing. Her healing energy is palpable. We worked on literally thousands of issues with in the 30 minute time frame which I will continue to process over the next few days. We worked on physical, emotional and spiritual issues and reintegrating them into my being. What a tremendous gift."

~ Cathy S., Tennessee


Cherry on top of the cake…

"The private session with Sherry was the actual cherry on top of the cake. I felt SEEN, HEARD, CARED FOR, ACCEPTED. Sherry is so loving and nurturing that I, a very anxious and shy person, managed to feel at ease and able to openly share my concerns. After the session, the seed that lived in the ground, started to pierce its confines into the light. "

~ Maria de Lourdes, Portugal


I listen to our session often…

"I really value who you are and your work. I listen to our session often and feel its benefits. My relationship is much calmer and stronger with honest communication."

~ Adrienne E.


Package C

Total Package Value $1,853

Introductory Offer $247

*** 87% Saving ***

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, the date of the first group call, or the date of your personal session with Sherry, whichever comes first.(No refunds after June 18, 2016)

Your personal session must be used within 6 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled.

Sherry will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to possible technical issues beyond her control, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.


Doctors have been amazed…

"Sherry has helped me to live a full, active, successful life despite having chronic kidney disease for 26 years. The doctors have been amazed that I remained asymptomatic for so long and it was not until a month ago that I had to have a kidney transplant. With Sherry's energy work, she has helped me to heal at a physiological and physical level and helped create healing spaces with the doctors, surgery room, my home and support team, and now a month later my doctors are again shocked at how well I have healed."

~ Kimberly Margolis, MSW, LSW, Licensed Psychotherapist, Colorado

I felt the energy from you

"You are an earth angel. I felt the energy from you. I have worked with dozens of healers and you are by far the best. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it."

~ Alexis, Canada


Felt the shifts on the call…

"Many thanks for that lovely session this morning - could not keep my eyes open after it and went back to sleep for 3 hours! Felt the shifts on the call. Much gratitude. Your intuition and healing skills are awesome!"

~ Judy, Australia

Distress alleviated almost instantly…

"Sherry is one of the most talented interactive listeners, who delves deep into one's soul finding easily the root causes behind symptoms. She is very supportive and always there when I need her, I even feel connected to her without talking and I feel her support and encouragement in times I need it. Sherry is a friend, a mentor, a coach, a healer and someone you can really count on to give the required results. Sherry helped me with many physical and emotional distresses which were alleviated almost instantly! Sinus, ear infection, knees that hurt, problems at work and family issues, whatever it is, she knows how to handle it perfectly!"

~ Amany El Naggar, Engineer, NLP Practitioner, MCKS Pranic Healing, Reiki Jin Kei Do Master, Dorn Method, Yuen Method, PEAT, Cairo, Egypt

I have never felt anything like this!

"I did the Vase (Kintsugi Soul Retrieval Version 1) meditation for bringing Soul Aspects back and felt an amazing ball of energy on top of my head!! I have often felt my crown chakra tickling me but I have never felt anything like this! And it was such a short meditation but so very powerful! I am so amazed. Thank you so much for your beautiful meditation."

~ Daphne, Germany

A tangible wind behind my sails…

Claudia-S"Sherry has helped me through my battle with breast cancer over the past 20 years. Her sessions have always brought a subtle yet powerful relief from the side effects of the treatment for my illness. I could feel a bubble of calming comfort that eased my suffering. Now that the cancer treatments are over, I am recovering very quickly. Sherry’s work has been a tangible wind behind my sails."

~ Claudia Suen, Tarot Expert, Astrologer, Hawaii

Feeling relief and even joy…

"Sherry, we just had our session less than a couple hours ago and I just wanted to thank you. A few minutes after getting off of the call I started feeling relief and even joy, which has been fleeting the last few years.You definitely gave me some peace of mind. I haven't shared my spiritual path with any of my family so it is nice to talk to someone that understands the journey. Again, thank you so much for your help and willingness to share your insights and loving energies."

~ Donna, New Mexico

I'm a survivor because of you

Laura-L"As a battered woman, I was broken, depressed, and the only emotion I had was fear. By working with you I have overcome PTSD, co-dependence and depression. In addition, I can finally love myself again and be a confident woman. Your healing work is POWERFUL. Each session I could feel my energy shift and working with light, positive energy, take and process my emotions. Thank you for restoring my life and confidence. I'm a survivor because of you."

~ Laura L., Illinois

PTSD is subsiding…

"So many things are changing! I will choose the most amazing one to share with you. I actually feel grateful for all the ugliness in my past, for all the ailments. They have cornered me, giving me no choice but to awake, to choose myself, my truth. To look for true love. It does exist! In the hearts of people like Sherry! I had no models and was forced to look for them or perish. With Sherry one learns to be compassionate with self, with past mistakes. Under her eyes we are lovable and worth it. Worth her time and generosity. I don't see "clearings" in the harsh way anymore. Like I have to get rid of this gunk. It's a nurturing thing. It's taking care of myself - like eating, taking a bath, doing a massage. We clear our field. Like children we've been out to play and tenderly, when we arrive home, we have a warm scented bath with Sherry's beautiful MP3s in the company of joyful dolphins. So I'm more able to look at my issues, feel my emotions. They don't overwhelm me so much, so I can sit with them, observe them. They don't scare me as much as they used to. And I'm less reactive as PTSD is subsiding. My stomach and solar plexus, once tightly constricted 24/7, are starting to decompress and showing up. I feel I have a stomach now! Thank you Sherry! Thank you! Thank you! Many, many Blessings!"

~ Maria de Lourdes, Portugal

An unbelievable shift…

Valerie-P"I received a clearing from Sherry regarding family dynamics which were on going for so many years. It had been my biggest weakness in moving forward in my life and my daughter’s life. There had been deep painful issues between my daughter’s dad and I, which shifted into issues between my daughter and her dad. After the clearing, our communication was calm and clear. This is such an unbelievable shift. I am so appreciative of Sherry's unique insight and gifts. Thank you so much Sherry for doing this for my daughter and for the family. I highly recommend Sherry."

~ Valerie Pearson, VIP Energetics, Vancouver

Writer’s block is gone!

Gaylene-P"Sherry is an expert in her field. Her ability for precision with her work on all levels is extraordinary. Her dedication and strongly trained ability for finding and deleting weaknesses and intrusions to clear issues or create changes is beyond normal ability. Sherry’s work allows for the highest potential outcome. It is an astounding experience to have. I am still astounded; my writer’s block is gone!"

~ Gaylene Popovski, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Australia

Removed decades of self-loathing, I feel ecstatic!

Easter-A"Sherry, your work is AWESOME! For the first time in a very long time, I have been enjoying the reflection of my 5'3" 200+ pound body. I look hot and I would ask me out on a date if I weren't me! My hair looks shiny and full. You removed decades of self-loathing and I feel ecstatic! Thank you!"

~ Easter Alexander, Shamanic Practitioner, California

Able to drive again…

"Years ago I had a series of strokes that left me paralyzed. Sherry told me I could drive again. I was hopeful but skeptical. After we worked together I was able to drive myself and find my independence again. And, I became a joyful menace on the roads! Sherry also helped me achieve greater range of motion in my body, reduced my awful headaches, improved my thinking ability, and relieved my depression."

~ John H., CPA, Florida

About Sherry Phillips Swatek:


Sherry Phillips Swatek has been described as a soul whisperer, a medical intuitive, and a spiritual and business mentor. She considers herself a multi-dimensional integrator; she helps her clients find the parts of their life that have become dis-integrated and bring them back into alignment with love and acceptance. Sherry's talent to quickly find and resolve the root causes makes her work fast and powerful.

Sherry transforms lives. Through her work, she has resolved relationship troubles, relieved chronic pain and illness, rejuvenated lives, extended quality of life, upgraded business and financial opportunities, and helped with fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.

Sherry could see and hear in spiritual realms from early childhood. Sherry has studied and incorporated the teachings of many spiritual and metaphysical masters into her practice. Her working knowledge of the human body at the molecular, physical, spiritual, metaphysical, and energetic levels empowers her ability synthesize the necessary energies.


My eye sight has been cleared…

"I felt your caring heart and healing every day. I followed your direction and listened to the MP3 daily, and on a loop in groups. I did your live calls and after the last call we just had, my eye sight has improved and has been clear for 4 consecutive days. I'm enjoying the awesomeness of seeing again."

~ JC, Washington


Out of my chair and walking pain free in a half hour…

Jeff-L"I have worked with many great people in my lifetime but none possess the skill and insight that Sherry has. She is able to look into the very core of the soul to see where the injury lies, whether it is spiritual, physical or emotional. Those distinctions are very important to the healing process. She helped me through the darkest nights of my soul. She was there when I had eye surgery and reduced the pain. She was there through panic attacks and deep pain in my feet and back. She reduced my pain from 10 down to zero within an hour. She got me out of my chair and walking pain free in a half hour. I highly recommend her."

~ Jeff Lowe, Idaho


Replenished my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness…

Sunday-O"I didn’t even realize what I most needed to focus on in my session with Sherry, but she found my blind spot: replenishing my physical energy after a nasty chronic illness. After her work, the painful lymph glands in my armpits simmered down, and I felt a noticeable loosening in my head, neck, jaw, and shoulders, places where tension has long been centered. The next day, when I looked in the mirror, I immediately noticed a difference. Sluggish circulation had made me pale for years, but today my legs were pink, my face was pink – even my lips were noticeably darker! A sense of steadier energy flow goes with the circulation, and I’ve been receiving a lot of information about how to manage my energy, practically and emotionally, so it can continue to flow even more steadily. I am really grateful for the range and precision of Sherry’s work and I feel that what she’s started is continuing to support me.

In one of my sessions with Sherry, I felt a lot of activity in my brain stem and a huge level of nervous tension release. Afterward, I felt more solid in my body, and also as if the “harness” on my neck and shoulders had been released. I’ve also noticed that it’s easier for me to stay away from old, depressive patterns. Thank you Sherry!"

~ Sunday Oliver, California


Headaches are gone…

"I have had a problem with terrible headaches for many years. Each time I've worked with Sherry, my headaches are gone."

~ Barbara Perkins, Idaho


Feels like much of it has cleared…

"Thank you for the replay of the podcast. I listened a few times to the first part, because the Dolphin Energy in it is so strong and beautiful! It touched a deep blockage within me and it feels like much of it has cleared."

~ Catharina, Netherlands


Health professionals were amazed...

Natalia-G"I am so grateful to you, Sherry, for support and energy healing for my husband after he had a heart attack. Your wonderful work was very obvious that even the health professionals were amazed by the progress of his recovery. I am blessed to have you in my life."

~ Natalia Glouchko, Toronto


Pregnant in one month after years of trying…


"Working with Sherry, I had finally gotten pregnant and have a beautiful daughter. She had told me a little girl was waiting for me and my right ovary was clogged. She had worked with me remotely and cleared my ovary and within a month I was pregnant. I had tried getting pregnant for years and worked with fertility specialists with no success. I now work with Sherry for emotional balance, as a life couch, grief, depression, and back pain. Each session with her I feel energized and harmony in my life."

~ Laura L., Illinois

Laughing a great deal…

"Love your work. I swim in the energy and find myself laughing a great deal. Grateful I have found you."

~ Sara, Canada


Pain and immobility improved, calmer and at peace…

Sarah-GM-150x150"I was having a hard time improving some of my own back and neck problems that were bothering me as a result of many accidents in my youth. My ribs were off to the right and I had referred pain down my legs. I was hunched over, my sacrum hurt to lay down. I lost the curve in my lumbar spine. After a session with Sherry, my pain went from an 8 to a 4 in twenty minutes and standing was a 3. After continued work, my whole body improved. I have less pain and everything feels looser. I can move more freely and am very grateful! I also feel calmer and more at peace."

~ Sarah Gonzalez Meyers, Mother, Body Worker, Yuen Method Master, Florida

Transform my issues into gifts…

"I have worked with Sherry numerous times when I needed help with emotional or physical issues, she has always been able to help me transform my issues into gifts. Last week my headache was a 11 out of 10 and she got it down to zero in an hour. I have had multiple back surgeries and a knee replacement that kept me in pain but Sherry helped me shift out of pain when I spoke to her. She has helped me come back to myself when I was stuck in the astral and helped me heal from a near death trauma I had at birth that had plagued me my whole life."

~ Michael O'Brien, Idaho


DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.