VIPod Member's Loyalty Bonus #26

Essential Fox Energy

A small fox has been showing up for me for months. First in the corner of my eye. Then in private sessions for you and lastly during a challenging medical test. This appearance sent me a rush of comfort, safety and calm confidence. I knew then it was time to welcome him into our group.

Fox energy is known world wide. Known for cleverness, I saw a depth of complexity in the healing. Fox energy infuses all of you, shoring up strength and providing the elixir to heal pain and confusion.

Foxes come in several colors, yours may have messages with the way they appear. They are all important. Mine is currently red and youthful. A bit of fire in a cold painful place was an exquisite healing.

I’m happy to present an Essential Fox Guided Activation for you. After you listen and feel the energy of the verbal recording you might enjoy the silent PureEnergy Download™ version. PureEnergy Downloads™ are the recorded silent energy when I receive the energy, vision and inspiration for the verbal recording. Some people like them better. Get the energy in whatever form works best for you. Feel free to listen to these recordings as often as you like.