Get the Edge on 2020


Transformation Call Recordings

We have shed a year and a decade. It’s time to drop the old habits and energy dynamics that limit you. The forces of our world and universe assist us in igniting our inner flame of truth and prosperity. 


Bonus Recordings

2020 Decade Reset

Recorded the second week of January, 2020, this recording brings in the elixirs for 2020 to assist you in making the most of your new decade. It's best to be at peace with the changing earth landscape and global shifts. There will always be your precise place to commune with nature. Paying attention to what you value is important during these changing times. Tend a garden, a house plant or natural habitat. Your enrichment and peace is enhanced through these connections. 

Turtle Time

Essential sea turtle energy is an excellent escape from overwhelm and uncertainty. A meditation with sea turtles resets your timing urgency and assists with continuous pacing with the soul's priorities. Sea turtles are known for longevity, grace, and clear connections. You can take a sea turtle journey deeper and give yourself a soul reset. Sit on the shore and meditate with essential sea turtle energy with me when you are ready to shift your pace and re-prioritize.

Expanding Time (Timeless Grace)

Not enough time in a day? Download this aligned frequency to expand time without pressure. Use this to continually restore yourself as you move through deadlines. Give yourself the gift of grace in action. This has been a very popular Guided Activation and often used by my clients.