VIPod Member's Loyalty Bonus #17

Essential Condor Energy
Essential Condor energy is as expansive as its massive wingspan. Grounded, yet a messenger from and to the higher aspects. Personal, yet it flies the highest. This is a cleansing journey that opens channels to the world's rebirth. As your relationship to the condor expands, it can be a simple prayer or alignment to the channel. You can also use the energy to step into a strong support system for this new world. Allow the condor to assist you in releasing limitation without losing your essential self. Gateways will open but you will remain grounded.
After you listen and feel the energy of the verbal Guided Activation you might enjoy the silent PureEnergy Download™ version. Some people like them better. Get the energy in whatever form works best for you. Feel free to listen to these recordings as often as you like.
As a special treat, here is some relaxing Pan Flute music and ethnic instruments by Peruvian composer Carlos Carty.