Emerging Heart
Call and Bonus Recordings

Essential Frog Medicine
Until we can notice the broken parts of ourselves, the part that refuses to live our best life, or feels too rejected to be alive, we will keep returning to emotional patterns. This recording uses the essence of frog medicine and how frog can help you break cycles and begin anew. I have included a pure energy download which is silent. In this silent recording I am meditating with the frog medicine with you. Maybe the next frog you kiss will get you closer to your heart's desire.
After you listen and feel the energy of the verbal Guided Activation you might enjoy the silent PureEnergy Download™ version. Some people like them better. Get the energy in whatever form works best for you. Feel free to listen to these recordings as often as you like.
The Mystical Staff
The mystical staff shows up when a new world dawns. The staff of Merlin awakened a new world, wizards bring power and balance with a staff. The bible speaks of Moses parting the red sea and bringing spring water from rocks. Our work with the staff brings wholeness to power to assist us navigating the era.
It also brings transformation and is a tool to collect, focus, and direct energy. In these recordings, I bring the energy of Great Mother Bear, Dolphins, and other animal spirits together with our Mystical Staff to facilitate your transition into the new world.
After you listen and feel the energy of the verbal Guided Activation you might enjoy the silent PureEnergy Download™ version. Some people like them better. Get the energy in whatever form works best for you. Feel free to listen to these recordings as often as you like.
Clearing the Liver
This is a replay of a Magnetic Lotus program call from January 2017.
Liver energy is essential to our digestion, our ability to regulate and patterns of stagnation, blood pressure, headaches dizziness irritability and anger. A strong flowing liver energy allows us release rather than hold difficult emotions we are feeling incapable of letting go. Deep within the liver can remain patterns where we associate these limitations with our identity. Our possessions, (in all the ways one can have possessions) can be cleared with this deep letting go and renewal of liver and gallbladder.
Transformation Call Recordings