Heart Synthesis

Recordings and Call Replays

Energy Recordings

The Redwood

The majestic redwood trees symbolize safety, longevity, ancient wisdom, and renewal. The coastal redwoods are the tallest known trees, and the sequoias are the widest. Redwood draws energy from the universe and the earth. Redwood's healing qualities make it resistant to disease and fire. New sprouts come from the roots in a never-ending cycle of renewal. The qualities of redwood we can infuse are resilience, healing, purification, healthy adaptation and remaining true to our source. Balance is a key essence of redwood trees. In the presence of these trees, we immediately drop any pretense and align our priorities and purpose. Redwood trees lend their strength to us in our most wounded moments. They are the earths most majestic living beings.

The Sovereign Lens

To become more of yourself, we free ourselves from collective beliefs that limit us. We begin to use the strength that defines our inner landscape. It's difficult to be ourselves if we see the world through others lens, hypnotic group think, or our adaptations to stress and trauma. This process gives you a technique to drop the lens and see clearly into yourself so what you project into the world is your best version of you. We are projectors and what we see in the world is also what we create more of.

The Quaking Aspen

Aspen trees are magical. They were revered by Druids, Indian nations, cultures living close to the earth and Persephone. They offer a clear mirror of human connectiveness and offer the gift of transformation, doorways to the next world, medicinal qualities. Clones of these delightfully colored trees are said to be 8,000 years old and North America has a root system of over 100 acres all supporting a giant grove. We will explore the qualities of the Quaking Aspen, it's root magic, psychic doorways, healing power and the gifts it offers in the new earth.

About Your Energy Recordings

PureEnergy Downloads™ are non-verbal energy transmissions in mp3 digital recording format. Many clients report excellent results from Sherry's unique PureEnergy Download™ recordings, often preferring these to the verbal versions. PureEnergy Downloads™ bypass the judgments of the conscious mind. These are great to let run while you are sleeping or in the background during your busy day. Also, meditate with them anytime you are wanting a particular energetic assistance.

The verbal guided activations are full of energy available anytime you listen. However, they are quite powerful even if you pay little attention to the words. Some of the language is a shortcut language of energy; it is not always conversational, particularly the ones focused on your physical body. I do this for people who want to know more, but you do not have to listen closely or understand to get the benefits.

Transformation Call Replays

Each live transformation call begins with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry leads an anchoring group process with activations and then she takes live and written questions from the participants. Each call will be recorded and the replay will be available to you shortly after the call ends.