Package A - Lotus Initiation
Essential Dolphin Energy Events
February 14th-15th Valentine's Day & Solar Eclipse
March 21st-22nd Equinox
Receive LiveEnergy Download™ of angelic and loving Dolphin energies for two full days during each event. Experience joy, self-love, creative boost, rejuvenation, playfulness and bliss. We will be sending regeneration energies for all of your body, the quantum field into the cells, molecules, DNA and telomeres. The whole physical structure will receive these downloads three times a day each day of the event.
Private Facebook Group
Our private Facebook group for the Magnetic Lotus program is ready for you to join. Simply click HERE and request to be added as a member.
Live Transformation Calls
Please add the call schedule to your personal calendar. Be sure to convert to your local time zone. You will receive an email with the details of how to join the call two days before each call and a reminder email two hours before the call begins. The live teleconference group calls will be approximately 90 minutes or longer.
Embracing Your Sacred Empowered Identity
Saturday February 17th 9AM US/Pacific Time
Are you ready to fully embrace or take a few more steps to authentic empowerment? Knowing yourself and where the center of power actually lies is your essential key to a successful life. During this call we will update the Magnetic Lotus energies for 2018. There are many ways we subtly judge ourselves that hold us back. this call will be aligned to the participants energy and the questions they bring.
Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.
The Wellspring of Prosperity
Saturday March 31st 9AM US/Pacific Time
This call celebrates the first full moon following the vernal equinox, a time of powerful creation and manifestation. Discover how to be the Wellspring of your own prosperity as well as the prosperity of your social network, community, and the planet. Learn how to harness the powerful creative forces that are peaking at this time and how to flow with the energies of creation and manifestation. Develop your powers of wanting and having, appreciation and giving, and learn how to ignite your creativity.
Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.
All calls begin with body-mind-spirit balance and attachment clearings. Sherry will lead an anchoring group process with activations and then she will take live and written questions from the group. If you are unable to attend the call you can send a question ahead of time and Sherry will include the energy to address it on recording.
Releasing False Security Systems
Saturday March 3rd 9AM US/Pacific Time
Do you feel insecure, fearful, uncertain? Do you depend on external sources of security that are continually letting you down? On this call we will explore the paradigm of security, where real security originates, and how to release your dependence on false security systems. Discover how your energy alignments can lock you into patterns of worry, fear, illness, and depression. Learn how to clear and release these alignments to free yourself and to embrace your self-dependence.
Sherry will answer written questions and interact with callers. The live call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person. Sherry will answer written questions on the call and the complete transformative energies are included in the replay.
Replays of Live Calls
Shortly after each call, the replay will be posted here.